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Hanna reaches home by her home there is a little park where hanna's sister mostly goes with her friends when hanna reaches home her aunt asks " how was your first day ?" Hanna says " can you stop being my mom!!" Hanna goes to her room and slams the door too hard she takes her dairy ( journal ) and writes everything she have total 3 journal 1:- secrets
2:- life days 3:- friends and love
Her 2 dairy has been finished and secrets too but not the friends and love one
Someone knocks the door " come in door is unlocked !" Says hanna . Her dad comes in and says " look be nice to your aunt she is here for only you that you feel better she will go after one week i know you miss your mom but she have been forgiven " says dad
" dad i don't wanna say this but i have to you and me everyone knows that mom's being dead is all because if her ! And still you all are being so like this ! Sometimes i think you never miss mom " says hanna " HANNA!!! Watch you mouth ! " says hanna's dad and slaps hanna
" you a.a.are also doing this me " says hanna
" sweetheart i am sorry i didn't mean to slap you i miss your mom whenever i see you now give dad a smile quick i am waiting "says hanna's dad
Hanna smiles " that's my girl now take your sister to the park quick you will also feel better outside " says dad
Hanna's dad was about to go but hanna said " dad i want to ask you a question?"
" yeah what is it ?" Say hanna's dad
" dad are you dating someone i want to hear the truth ?" Says hanna " who said that ?" Says hanna's dad
" i saw it with my own eyes ! " says hanna
"Yeah i am look it is for our own good your younger sister hama also needs someone to take care of her " says dad " I can take care of her !!"says hanna " I don't want to talk about this go take you sister to the park " says hanna's dad
" before marriage think about me , hama and mom think about it " says hanna
Hanna goes out and takes hama to the park hanna sits on the chairs and hama goes to the slides and swings
Hanna :-
I want this day to end before it gets more worse first at school then at home now what will happen here oh god help me !"

After sometime hama comes to hanna crying and says " didi come over there a b.b.boy pushed me from the s.s.slide "
" where are you hurt " hanna says
" at my knees " says hama
" oh it's bad where is that boy i will kill him !" Says hanna
Hama grabs hanna's hand and takes her to the boy
" why did you pushed her ?" Hanna says
" i.i.i ....... didn't do it !" Says the boy
" no didi he did it " says hama
Boy goes and calls his brother hanna sees his brother is ken
" you again ! Why did you hit my brother ?!" Says ken
" ex-cause me I didn't hit him he pushed my sister from the slide now he is crying your brother is such a coward like you  ?" Hanna says
" oh really so where did he get this scare from?"says ken
" hama tell me " hanna says
" d.d.didi after he pushed me i also scratched his hand " says hama
" it's your brothers fault "says hanna
" no your sisters " says ken
" no yours " says hanna " no yours " says ken
" STOP it ! Didi let's go from here i am forgiving you " Says hama
" your sister is smart " says ken
" let's go home too brother " says the boy
All the way ken and hanna were walking at the same ways when they reached home they realised they are neighbours
" WHAT YOU LIVE HERE !!!" Hanna says
" you live there worse than ever " says ken
They both go to their room hanna writes in her journal ken sleeps

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