"Why do you do that Pan?!Why do you make it your mission to be hated?!"
"It is so much easier to get people to hate something... than to believe"
"I already believe, Peter."
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Chapter 4-
I woke up to the sound of a forest, and the warm sunshine on my face conflicted with the cold dirt I was laying on. Groaning I slowly lifted myself up, my whole body felt like it was being weighed down, I felt heavy with sleep.
Once up, I dragged myself towards the nearest tree and rested against it, being a bit paranoid of the foreign bugs that could be crawling along it. I felt something trickle down the side of my face and hesitantly reached to touch it, as soon as my fingers made contact with my head I flinched back in pain. The pain seared through my head like a burn and I screamed out in agony. My hand was covered in dripping red blood.
I remembered hitting my head on the way into that portal, it must have caused more damage than I'd realised. As I took part in a contact sport, I was used to injuries, just not this bad. I knew my basic first aid, and I definitely needed help.
Determined, I slowly stood up, grabbing onto the tree so I wouldn't fall as the world spun around me. I needed water to clean out the cut, and then I'd need a bandage. Both of those things weren't exactly in sight so I decided I should walk around the area and try and find a stream or a river, I couldn't just sit there all day waiting to be rescued. I didn't even know where I was!
I held my hand forcefully on the cut, the pain was near unbearable, but at the rate I was going, I would soon pass out with blood loss. So I walked on deeper into the dense forest, with only two things on my mind; first was to sort out this cut, then I was going home.
The sound of water rushed into my ears and made me flood with relief, I don't know how long I had been walking, but the once bright sunshine had melted into the pale moonlight and I was exhausted.
This is what happens when I get curious, I'm such an idiot! Now look! I'm cold, injured and tired. God, what I'd do for a McDonald's right now.
Up ahead was a river, it was beautiful really but I didn't register it properly as I stumbled towards it, gulping down its refreshing cold water.
Well, that was a bit stupid, it might have been dirty. I guess we'll find out soon enough.
I thought as I pulled myself up from the water, I took the terribly made bandage off of my head. It was the bottom of my t-shirt, but at least it did the job. Hesitantly, I looked around to see if anyone was near, and then I took my t-shirt off, and quickly threw my jacket on, now grateful I had brought it.
I ripped the rest of my t-shirt into shreds, and wet one of the strips, I used this to clean out my cut, wincing at the pain but also glad it was being cleaned. I really didn't want to deal with an infection, not in the middle of a forest.
Once my new 'bandage' was in place I washed the rest of my face, wanting to clear myself of all the dirt and grime that had gathered during the day's events, I'd never wanted to shower so badly in all of my life.
Thinking of showers reminded me of home, not Storybrooke, but my home. Even though the shower there took ages to get the right temperature I wish I was still back there. Thinking of home made me think about food, a subject I had been trying to avoid all day, but just imagining my mother's home-cooked meals had my stomach crying out to the point where I couldn't move, trust my body to have a fit when I hadn't eaten in only a day, I'm sure others would've lasted a lot longer than me.
Well, what can I say? I like food, a lot.
Luckily the night wasn't too cold, and I slowly crawled towards the nearest tree and rested against it, letting the day's exhaustion pull me into a well-deserved sleep.
That was chapter 4! I hope you are enjoying this book so far and just to clear things up for some of you that may think it's stupid for her to have not met Peter and stuff yet. I've done this on purpose as almost every fan fiction I have read; the girl meets Peter by either waking up in a cage or the lost boys finding her and I want this story to be original, or as original as it gets, obviously as I haven't exactly thought up Peter Pan myself (or Storybrooke).
Anyway, Piper will meet Peter in the next chapter probably, if not then I'll explain why not in that chapter as I've done this one.
Q.O.T.C (Question Of The Chapter)= What's your favourite fairytale?
Also, I know my chapter are quite short but I will write a lot of them!