Say Goodbye with A Smile

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Amy Maxwell is a kind girl.She often apologizes even though it's not her fault.Amy has a beautiful friend name Chloe,Chloe was popular and many boys confessed to her.she has the same reply:

"To date me you need to promise me that you will also consider Amy as a friend.When we go to a date you invite her also,when you buy something for me you buy something for her too.You need to consider her.If she starts feeling left out we're done"

Of course the boys didn't understand this so Chloe rejects them.Amy is very precious to Chloe because she didn't leave her like the others.

One day some girls where whispering about Amy "That Amy what a goody-goody,obviously no one likes her!",Amy heard this and felt sad Chloe stood from her chair and shouted:"Like you guys are any better dissing her as if she wasn't here!!!" Everyone kept quiet looking at Chloe.Chloe went outside and thought that Amy will leave her because of her bad attitude just like the others.Amy chased Chloe and told her: "honesty is the best policy huh,Chloe?","Will you leave me too like the others,Amy?",Amy stared at Chloe and she held her hand with a smile and answered:"Why would I leave the person who taught me the meaning of friendship,happiness,and love?",Chloe and stared at Amy and a tear dropped from her face.Chloe hugged Amy and said:"Thank you for being my friend Amy.

The next day.....

Amy and Chloe were chatting until one girl came."Hi!My name is Natalie Jones I would love to be your friend,Chloe."

Amy's eyes widened and couldn't believe that Chloe will get another friend.Of course...Amy was happy for her.Chloe accepted and became Natalie's friend.They hung out every day and chat every time but Amy felt a little....Left Out.Amy knew that Chloe would notice that she was feeling left out but now....not anymore.Amy was getting more and more distant she knew that soon Chloe wouldn't even notice if she left.Amy was hurt so she left from the restaurant."Where's Amy?",Chloe asked."I dunno",Natalie replied.Amy peeked at the window and felt a little happy when Chloe noticed but...."Nevermind her Natalie",Chloe replied.Amy was shocked and a tear fell from her cheek.She ran and after a while it began to rain.She went in a waiting shed and saw Natalie and Chloe laughing under one umbrella."usually...Chloe would come for me to give me an umbrella,but now....why?...does she not like me anymore?...My heart's been crumbling this day.",Amy said.She arrived home dripping wet."I'm home!",she called.Amy rushed into her bedroom,took a bath,and changed her clothes.She was crying all night thinking about Chloe and couldn't sleep.The next day Amy caught a cold and couldn't go to school.She expected Chloe to visit her liked she used to but no one came.Every night she couldn't sleep,she always cries until....her health became worse.

Since that day Amy was absent everyday.Amy was in a hospital because her health is beginning to fail.She went to visit her school to check on Chloe.Chloe changed so did Amy."Chloe!",Amy called.Chloe's eyes widened when she saw Amy.Amy was very thin and pale and in a wheelchair.Amy smiled at Chloe then handed her a paper that said:

I don't have time to hang out anymore

I guess we can't be together forever

I may not be as lively as before

Before I leave this world....

I need to tell you that...

I love you very much

This is my last words

This is the last goodbye

I need a one last favor Chloe

Can you please forget me when I'm gone,

And please.....

Say good bye with a smile

Please don't cry

One last thing...

You are the first and last bestfriend I had

Goodbye,I love you Chloe


Chloe cried after reading the paper as she watches Amy leave.She tried to catch the car but she couldn't she fell onto her knees and regretted everything."Why?....please lord tell me why?...what have I done?",Chloe said,"I never got to say I love you to you,Amy."

Few weeks later Amy was in a deathbed.Her health is rapidly failing she has only a day left....everyone cried.Chloe was in the corner blaming herself when Amy's mother came to her.She hugged her an told her:"it's not your fault she was very happy she met you Chloe,so say goodbye with a smile...Chloe stood up and went near Amy.She kissed her forehead and said goodbye with a smile until her tears fell.Few weeks later Amy was buried and gone."Please forgive me Amy.....I'm so sorry for everything"

"Goodbye Amy,I love you so much and also...Thank you for everything."

You don't notice the important things you have but when it's lost you will never forget it

-Chloe Franklin

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