▹fifteen; real life◃

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Jenna stood against the wall with her arms crossed as Tyler opened the front door. She raised an eyebrow as Spencer stood there; knowing full and well that he was there.

"Hey, man!" Tyler exclaimed.

Spencer grinned, "Hey, bro!"

Jenna laughed as they did a weird handshake then hugged. She shook her head, listening to the grumbles of her brother.

"Shut up, Tyler Graham." Jenna giggled, pushing herself off the wall. Spencer winked at Jenna, causing her to snort and shake her head.

Tyler pulled back from the greeting, rolling his eyes at Jenna, who couldn't see. He crossed his arms and sighed, motioning his head to the basement stairs.

"We're down there." Tyler stated.

Spencer nodded, "Okay. I'll meet you down there."

Tyler snickered and rolled his eyes once more. He turned around away from the couple and headed down the hall. Tyler quickly turned the corner, but poked his head out from behind the wall.

"Just remember, we can hear everything that goes on from downstairs." Tyler smirked, raising an eyebrow at the two.

Jenna scoffed, crossing her arms and leaning against the wall again. She rolled her eyes, shooing away her brother. He laughed, continuing down he stairs.

Spencer grinned, approaching Jenna and kissing her cheek. Jenna grinned up at him.

"Shouldn't you be down with the boys?" Jenna asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I can't say hello to my girlfriend and kiss her?" Spencer laughed.

Jenna rolled her eyes, standing up on her toes, and gently pressed a small kiss to his lips. She laughed, then gently pushed on Spencer's chest.

"Now, go. I promised them that I wouldn't steal you." Jenna muttered.

Spencer grinned, kissing her one more time. Soon his grin was replaced with a small smirk, one that Jenna was used too. "Steal me, I don't care." He then shook his head, "But come downstairs with us, eh?"

Jenna sighed, but nodded. "Fine."

Spencer laughed once more, kissing her cheek and lacing their fingers. Jenna pushed herself off the wall, and headed downstairs. Spencer followed happily, his fingers still laced with her.


Each of the boys were laughing, playing video games. Spencer played with Jordan and Tyler, only having his hand on Jenna's thigh as well. She didn't mind, knowing that Spencer wouldn't try anything.

She was texting, ignoring the boys as they screamed and laughed loudly. Much like teenage boys.

"Baby girl!" Spencer sang, leaning over and laying his head on Jenna's shoulder. "Who ya textin'?"

Jenna rolled her eyes, "Nora. Why?"

He shrugged, "No reason. Just wondering."

Jordan scoffed, shaking his head. Tyler laughed, rolling his eyes as well.

"Are you jealous? Trust me, she's too ugly to cheat." Jordan snickered, teasing his sister.

Jenna gasped, a playful smile playing at her lips. She locked her phone and sat it down. Turning around, Jenna grabbed a pillow and reached over Spencer, whacking Jordan in the face.

"I look like you, loser!" Jenna shouted, laughing along.

Jordan whined as the pillow hit him square in the face, "Ow!"

However, his voice was muffled due to the pillow. Then her phone rang, making her jump.

Jenna quickly grabbed her phone, checking the caller and hitting accept. Without second thought, she jumped up and quickly scurried up the stairs.

The three boys looked to each other and raised an eyebrow. Quickly, they shrugged and returned back to their game. Surely, if it was something important, she'd tell them.


Nearly two hours later, Jenna still hadn't come downstairs. Instead, she was upstairs in her bedroom on Skype with Nora– discussing the phone.

However, it was growing late and Spencer needed to get home. Unfortunately, he had to go to the office with his bandmates. So, he quietly climbed the stairs and headed to Jenna's room.

Once he reached the door, he gently knocked. He stood there patiently, waiting for Jenna to answer.

Spencer smiled as she opened the door, and he could see Nora on the computer screen behind Jenna.

"Hey," Jenna smiled softly, "Do you need something?"

"Um. I just wanted to say goodnight. I have to go." Spencer sighed, "I have to be at the office in the morning."

Jenna nodded, "Okay. Goodnight, Spence."

He smiled, leaning down and kissing her forehead. "Goodnight baby girl," then he looked behind her to Nora, "Goodnight, Nora."

Nora waved from the screen, "Night night!" She exclaimed, earning a laugh from Spencer.

Spencer smiled once more, leaning down and quickly kissing Jenna. "Goodnight, and sleep well."

She nodded, smiling while she bit her lip. Jenna let out a breath, and shut her door. She looked back to Nora, who was smirking back at her.

"So, you and Spencer, eh?" Nora grinned. Jenna laughed, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms.

"We're together again. Yes." Jenna smiled, the happiness evident in her voice.

"Finally!" Nora shrieked, "First you get the call, and I get my plane ticket, and you and Spencer!"

Jenna laughed, "Next up, my 21st birthday."

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