Chapter 1: Loss.

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There were no smiles for me, no sense of relief as I watched those around me embracing their loved ones. The City of Light had fallen, but our fight was not over.
I came back from my journey of the mind with a warning from the woman in the red dress. Humanity wasn't safe, we weren't free from the destructive echos of our past. Our world was dying and in six months it would take what was left of the life that was thriving here with it. Nuclear power plants from a time long ago still burned and had begun to meltdown. Radiation would flood the Earths surface, making it uninhabitable.
We had fought through tough times or at least that's what I thought until now. I turned to a concerned looking Bellamy and told him our victory over ALIE would be short lived, none of us were safe from what was about to come. He had no words as my warning seemed too horrific to process. I watched in silence at the happy reunions that played out and the burdened faces of those that were shaken by their return to reality. I questioned my decision to pull the kill switch. How could we fight  something so global? Maybe to some degree ALIE was right, maybe her way was the only prospect of survival. I had very few options to offer only the hope we would find a way.
I stood to my feet, weary from all I'd endured. Turning to Bellamy, I told him I needed some time to myself. Walking out of the throne room, I made my way to the only place that felt like my sanctuary. Opening the door, I entered Lexa's room and breathed deeply.
The room was in disarray from the attack on Polis, but it still felt like home. Her sword lay on a shelf next to the book she read the day I sketched her as she slept. I ran my hand over the hilt as though it still connected me to her somehow. On top of the book shone the brass headpiece she wore as Commander. I picked it up and held it tightly. I couldnt believe she was gone. Lexa was the other half of my soul no matter how many times I told myself I couldn't fall in love, I could find that one person who I would always be drawn to no matter how the world tried to tear us a part. A tear ran down my cheek, "I miss you. I'll aways miss you, Heda."
My heart ached. How could I go on with out you? We sacrificed everything for our people and now it seemed that the world wanted more than I had left to give.

 How could I go on with out you? We sacrificed everything for our people and now it seemed that the world wanted more than I had left to give

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A knock came a the door to her chambers and mother entered the room. She approached me with concern, "I was worried when you left." She noticed the tears that still remained in my eyes.
"I needed a little time," I replied,  wanting to break down in her arms, to let out all of the pain I was feeling. My emotions seemed so inferior compared to what we now faced. It took all the strength I had to hold it all in but there was no fooling her. She cupped my cheek gently, "You can talk to me, Clarke."
I looked down at Lexa's headpiece in my hand and solemly spoke, "I loved her and she's gone. There's nothing left to say, nothing I can do." I fought back the tears and saw the sympathetic look my mother offered as she attempted to console me, "Clarke..."
I couldn't continue speaking to her about Lexa, it was too painful so I shut her down, "I can't do this, not now, not with what's at stake."
She sensed the urgency in my voice, "What's wrong?" She asked.
"We need to gather the Ambassadors, I need to speak with them." It was more of a demand than a request.
My mother shook her head, confused by my panic, "Clarke, Polis is in disarray. The Ambassadors are barely able to comprehend what's happened let alone being called to a meeting."
I didnt have the luxury of time, ALIE'S warning played over and over in my head. I needed to begin to work through solutions. Polis was without a Commander, Lexa was gone, Ontari lay dead, not that she was ever worthy, and Luna had refused The Flame. Lexa's legacy was fading along with the hope of humanity. We were in limbo, leaderless, broken and a future so bleak it seemed that fighting for survival had become futile.
It wasn't in my nature to simply fade out, I owed it to Lexa to find a way. Turning to my mother I made my request, "Ambassadors or no Ambassadors, gather who you can. What I have to say can't wait."
She looked at me, worried by my words, "Clarke, what happened in The City of Light?"
I swallowed as my heart began to race, "The end is coming and I have no idea if we can survive."

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