Chapter 5

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After Harry left, which was quite a while later, I opened back up my drawing notebook. I started to finish my picture of the flower. There wasn't much left to be done on it so it didn't take me very long.

After I finished, I closed my not3boom and slid it under my bed. I actually felt a lot better now, I guess I just had to let it all out and calm down a bit after.

I guess I was kinda hungry and I felt really bored and relaxed so I decided to head down the stairs. I took this chance to really examine the place, it was actually quite nice. The walls coming down the stairs were filled with pictures of the boys when they were little, the X factor days, and throughout the years since. I smiled.

It was nice to know that the boys were as close as they seemed in magazines and on the computer screen. And now they are my adoptive parents/brothers.

Once I got to the bottom if the stairs I started to wander around for the boys. I heard their voices coming from the kitchen so I followed the happy sound and opened the door to them.

They all turned to look at me and a smile formed on all of their faces.

"Claire's here!" Louis shouted.

"Aw it's my Cece!! Hi Cece! I wuv you I wuv you!" Zayn said in a baby voice hugging me rubbing his head into my neck childishly.

"Yes, I'm gonna call you that from now on'' Zayn declared. I just laughed and nodded in agreement.

"Hey Claire" Liam said after a crazy Zayn let go of me. "Hey" I said back.
I glanced toward Harry and smiled. He returned the smile back.

"You want something to eat?" Niall asked. Of course Niall would be the one asking that. "Sure" I replied with a giggle. "Macaroni sound good?" "yep" "ok".

He took the box of macaroni out of the cupboard and a pot out of the pantry and started to let the water boil. I sat down at the table. I felt a figure sit down next to me. I looked over. It was Harry. I couldn't hold in my smile and let it gleam across my face. He smiled back, oh those dimples.

"Food's ready." Niall declared.

He set a bowl and fork in front of me and I dug in. I hadn't realized how hungry I was until now. Niall looked at me in amazement. "What"? I asked. "Your-- you're done'' he said.

I looked down at my bowl. Wow. I was done. "Oh" I said suddenly feeling like a pig. "Want more"? Niall asked with a smirk on his face. "Nah I'm good" I laughed.

"I don't know about you losers, but I'm gonna go play me some video games. I chased after him. What?! I liked video games, no crime in that. I followed Louis into the living room as he popped the game in the console.

Harry's POV.

The boys and Claire were in the living room playing video games, I don't know which one though. I wasn't exactly in the mood to stare at a TV screen at the moment. So I just kind of started to wander I guess.

A few moments later I found myself in Claire's room. Claire. She was just so beautiful. And since she got her head shaved? Even more beautiful. It's like you could really see her face. I hate how people were making fun of her today, she doesn't deserve it. Yeah, ok, she's bald, but what's the big deal?

Can't they see how nice she is? Her true beauty? I hate this generation of kids, they are so racist, I thought racism was old news, something that people were more careful about and stuff. But now, being racist is 'cool'. They use it as a joke. Being prejudice isn't good and I don't see why kids these days think its funny. Because its not. Like at all.

Like seriously! what's with the whole "black girl swag"? Like, its a different skin color, color doesn't mean different attitude, although people try to make it that way. Like no, just no.

And why are people making jokes out of the Nazi sign so much? It's not funny!! I wish people would realize that. Teenagers and kids around those ages think being prejudice is cool and funny and makes you popular. I don't get it, I really don't.

People should treat each other well and just stop being racist. And Claire, she doesn't deserve that, no one does. Even if they are horrible people, they don't deserve it. We are human and we should respect that. The people who do respect that, and take prejudices at offense, I like those kind of people. I wish more people were like that. We are all the same, yet so different.

Anyway, as I was standing in Claire's room I saw her book bag propped against the wall. Did she get good notes? Did she understand what they were learning today? I don't know why, but I was really curious. I just wanted to know how my sister/daughter did in school today. It was it more than just wanting to know about her education for her first day? I'm not sure but I don't think I really care what that extra something is.

I grabbed the notebook that was hanging out of her book bag labeled 'MATH' I opened the cover somewhat hesitantly, I'm not sure why. Once I opened the cover all the way, I gasped. I did not expect to see what I saw. I expected to see math, math with numbers and symbols and definitions.

But nope. That's not what I saw at all. I saw something else. Something that shocked me and left a lot of mystery, but also pleasure.

It was a perfect picture of me. Harry Styles. The one and only. And it was absolutely beautiful.

sorry! I know I haven't updated in a while, I had gotten a good part of the chapter done, and wattpad deleted my work. So I was angry about starting over so I put it off. But here ya go! and to say, I like this version better anyways. Comment what you think!!

And also comment about how you feel about prejudices and racism and Ill pic my favorites and post them in here. Thanks!

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