Chapter 6

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After an hour or so of playing video games with the boys, the screen started to hurt my eyes so I told them that I was done for now. They waved me off as they scooted closer to the television, if that was even possible anymore.

I began to walk up the stair case, taking a look at the photos once more. The boys looked so young. I could tell some of the photos were screenshots of a video they watched of themselves when Simon announced they should become a band. They all looked so happy, exited, they were so lively looking. I smiled. I had always liked One Direction since they were in the X-Factor. But even though I have not been with them long, they felt like family.

When I was with them, I felt myself. I could be myself without being embarrassed, I know I can trust them. It's good to know that they are as close as the public says they are.

I love them, I truly do. And then there's Harry. He's... well... he's something else. I don't know how I feel about him, just that I can trust him with anything. We had kissed when I was in the hospital, he said he felt sparks, that had to mean something right? I had also. But then again, he could just be lying. To get my emotions going, to use me. It didn't seem like he would do such a thing, but there was always that possibility.

I slowly headed up the long staircase after I snapped out of my thoughts. I tracked down the hall and into my bedroom. I walked over to the edge of my bed and kneeled down. I peered under the bed. Good. My diary wasn't touched. I wonder what Harry was doing?

Stop! stop it Claire! I needed to get him off my mind. If I'm honest, I have been thinking about him a lot lately. I couldn't help it, those big, dreamy, green eyes, those dark, luscious curls that I just wanted to run my fingers through...

I perked up and ran to the bathroom. I turned on the sink and repeatedly splashed cold water on my face. I needed to stop those kind of thoughts. He was my brother/father or whatever, I couldn't think if him like that!

I sighed in frustration. I know I couldn't think of like that, but honestly, how could I stop?

OMG!!!! I'm sorry, I got ten votes, I forgot I'm sorry! and yeah, it's reeeeeaaaaallllly short, but I needed to update for your guys. Thanks!! How about 15 more votes?

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