The day my heart died

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Along time ago I fell in love with him he was so sweet and kind.His name was John. He was perfic. Then we started dateing and we were together for three years then it happend.He whent off to war ad died in action.  I was so deprestd. I never left my room for the next fore years.  then I was walking in the woods because I live in the woods. I thought that I saw him. Oh I forgot my name is Rose nad I am a witch . Back to what was happening. I saw him. I thougt that I was halusanating. becasuse all that  I could think abuot was him. I loved and missed him so much. And when you are in love you do crazy things and you start to see things. So when I saw him I ran all the way back to my house. The next day I saw him agen in the woods. So I ran after him. before I knew I he was gone. He just dissapeard! I mean how dose someone just dissaper.

The day my heart diedWhere stories live. Discover now