Chapter 22

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Eddie's P.O.V

It was if the world went slowly, I saw in horror as Aleks's eyes close as he falls backward and he falls to the ground, hard on impact.

"Aleks!" I scream out as I put down the ring box and crawl over to him.

"Seamus! Jordan!" I yell, wanting them to hurry down here.

I hear quick sounds of feet running down the stairs and over to me. Seamus and Jordan come over to me with wide eyes.

"W-What happened?!" asked Seamus, with shock in his voice.

"Move Eddie. Let me check his pulse" said Jordan calmly.

I already felt tears pricking in my eyes as I move out of his way. He kneels down by Aleks and takes his wrist and checks his pulse.

For a second I couldn't tell his facial expression. Quickly his blank expression changed, and his face turned pale.

"Seamus hurry and call 911, hurry NOW" said Jordan sternly.

Seamus takes out his phone out of his pocket and quickly dials the number. He hands the phone to Jordan and he takes it and talks to the woman on the phone.

"Hello  sir, what is your emergency?" asked the woman on the other line.

"I have here a friend of mine that fell and I checked his pulse. He has no pulse" said Jordan, like he was on the verge of tears.

The woman says something to him but I couldn't hear him over the choking sobs that were coming from within me. I stay on my knees, sobbing.

"Ah, Mhm, ok. Yes ma'am. Thank you" said Jordan.

He then hung up the phone and Jordan kneeled in front of me.

"Sly look at me" he said calmly.

I slowly lift my head up, tears blurring my vision.

"W-What did she say?" I choke out.

"She said the ambulance will be here quickly. Just calm down Eddie. It will be ok" he said as he put one of his hands on my shoulder, trying to calm me.

"How is he going to be ok Jordan?! His heart isn't beating! A-Aleks..H-He's..." I say before I stop myself by crying again.

I hear Jordan sigh and get up. He mumbles something to Seamus and I feel myself get picked up.

I just lay there, not caring who is carrying me. I feel them carry me upstairs, and into a room.

I then feel myself get layed down softly on a bed. I wipe my eyes and look around. I wasn't in my room. This room had beige walls, with a white soft carpet. The bed had a nice blue and white comforter with four pillows on the whole bed.

"Now Eddie, Stay here ok. Me and Seamus are going to be downstairs. Stay up here and try and calm down" said Jordan softly.

I nod as he leans over and kisses my forehead softly before walking out of the room, and closing the door behind him.

I sigh heavily as I get under the covers and lay my head down. I take off my glasses and set them on the small lamp desk next to me. I lay my head back down on the soft pillow, closing my eyes as I try to fall alseep.

{New P.O.V}

Jordan P.O.V

As I close the door behind me I walk back downstairs, sighing deeply as I walk over to Seamus.

Aleks's lifeless body, laid on the couch, his arms crossed against his heart.

I sigh again and bite my lip as I rub my temples.

"Is there a possible way that Aleks could still be alive?" asked Seamus as he knocked me out of my zone I was in.

My eyes snap open and I look at him.

"I-I don't really know... I don't think so Seamus. He has no pulse. The only time you see people come back to life like that is in movies... And this isn't a movie, This is real life" I say.

He frowns as his eyes tear up. I sigh and wrap my arms around him, as he cries into my shoulder.

"I hate seeing him cry. It makes me want to cry. God why did this have to happen? Dear God if there is any way for Aleks to still be alive ....please make it happen. Please. Do this for Seamus, do this for Eddie. Please God" I pray slightly. I sigh once again as I pull back from the embrace and I caress Seamus's cheek with my hand. I slowly wipe the tear from his cheek with my thumb. He looks at me with glossy eyes, as his lip quivers slightly. I slowly lean in and I connect our lips together. Our lips move together in a calm sweet kiss.

Our kiss then gets interrupted by a loud knock at the door. We break the kiss and I run to the door and open it too see a paramedic standing there.

I let him in, along with two other men coming in with a stretcher.

"Where is the body sir" said the man. I then pointed to the couch, showing him where Aleks was. He nods as he tells the other men to open up the stretcher. I soon see the first paramedic pick up Aleks, and place him on the stretcher. I bite my lip as Seamus burrows his face into my shirt, not wanting to see the lifeless body again. I take a glance at Aleks's body... His face paler than normal, and his eyelids closed. Before they take him out of the house, I could've swore I saw his hand move and his chest move up, as a signal of him breathing...but hey, I'm probably just imagining things...right?


Ellooo der. There is that chapter! Yeaaaa, Hope y'all liked it c:




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Bai my space cats! Till next time! *salutes you all*

Baiiii~Angel :3

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