Chapter 23

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Aleks P.O.V

I wake up to a place that's dark and cold. I sit up and rub my eyes and look at my surroundings. All there is, is darkness.

I get up and feel around for anything. I find a wall. I squint my eyes and feel around more to find myself in a room.

I suddenly hear voices. About two to four voices. One of them seem familiar. I-It was Jordans's voice.

I heard apperently paramedics talking. I stand there and listen to their conversation. It was hard to hear so I heard faint things.

I mostly heard that they were taking someone away. I listen more and I hear that they were taking me away. M-Me? Why would they do that. My eyebrow furrows in confusion.

"W-What's happening?" I ask myself.

I then hear them say that I died...I fell to the ground and someone checked my pulse.

My eyes widen as I remember what happened. It was me and Eddie in the living room, and he proposed to me. I didn't speak because I couldnt. Then all I remember next was blacking out.

"D-Did I have a heart attack? A-Am I really dead?? N-No I can't be dead! Eddie needs me! I need him.." I say.

I feel tears stream down my face as I whimper. My sadness then turns to anger. My hands ball up in fists and I punch the wall that's by me.

"Please! Let me out of this darkness! I need to get out of here! I need Eddie! Please...Please let me out...Pleaae..." I plead as I sink to the ground on my knees.

I just got Eddie back and I died. This can't happen...I won't let this happen....

{Switch da P.O.V}

Jordan's P.O.V

As the paramedics left with Aleks on the stretcher, I stand there with Seamus, the sadness in the room glooming over us. Before they left the man told me to come to the hospital if I wanted, so we could see Aleks one more time. He had told me they would try, try to do something to save him. I told him to just try...Try for Eddie.

He understood and he nodded. He said he would call if anything happened. But if it failed they would tell us and we would get to see him one last time.

"J-Jordan" I hear Seamus whimper.

"Yes babe?" I say looking at him.

"C-Can we go cuddle. I-I want to sleep" he said quietly.

I nodded as I picked him up bridal style, and took usto his room since Sly was in my room. Once we got in the room, I shut the door with my foot and I set him on the bed, and I turned off the light. I crawled in bed with him and pulled him close to me, cuddling him before slowly drifting off to sleep.

{ Next Day :3}

I wake up to constant shaking.

"Huh w-what?" I say as I slowly open my eyes to see Seamus shaking me with a smile on his face.

"Guess what!!" he said joyfully.

"What what what???" I say as I sit up and look at him.

"The hospital called today and said Aleks is alive!" he said with a grin on his face.

My eyes widen as I almost choked on my spit.

"Wait...Hes alive?!?!" I say astonished.

"Yes! Thats just what I told ya Jordan" he said before getting out of the bed and stretching.

"W-Well have you told Eddie yet?" I ask as I get out of the bed also.

"No, not yet. But I we need to take him to see Aleks... like now" he said as he grabbed some clothes from his drawer and skipped to the bathroom.

I smiled and nodded as I quickly change into some of his clothes. I put on a slurm shirt, and some blue jeans. I fix my hair quickly and put on my red cap.

I walk to my room and open the door to see Eddie sitting in my computer chair, looking on YouTube.

"Edwin! Get up and get ready!" I say happily.

"What the fuck Jordan, why?" he said groggily while shooting a glare at me.

"Just get dressed dammit and me and Seamus will tell ya later" I say a bit annoyed.

"W-Wait, did you just cuss?" he asked with a bit shocked look on his face.

I sigh and nod as I order him to get dressed.

He finally gives up and orders me out of the room and changes. I smile and walk downstairs, with my shoes on as I wait for them.

{20 minutes later yo}

I soon see them both walk downstairs, Seamus smiling happily and Eddie still having a groggy look on his face.

"C'mon Sly be happy. I promise you will be happy when we show you the surprise" I say holding the keys In my hand.

"I can't be ever be happy again without Aleks.." he said with a depressed look on his voice.

I sigh as we walk out of the house and into the car. I sit in the passenger seat and Eddie and Seamus in the back.

Before I drive off I take a look at Eddie. He has a blank look on his face as he stares out of the window, his eyes full of gloom and sadness.

I sigh as I put on my seatbelt as I start off the drive to the hospital.

{Another Switch P.O.V}

Eddie's P.O.V

{Yee another damn time lapse..}

I continue to stare out of the window daydreaming about me and Aleks. The car soon comes to a stop and I open the door and get out and see we are at a hospital.

"Why the fuck are we here?" I ask Jordan.

He just chuckles as all of us walk in and me and Seamus lean against the wall.

Jordan walks up to the counter and speaks to a woman, asking her about something. A few minutes later he comes back to us and I follow them into a elevator.

"Where the hell are we going?" I ask as the elevator goes up.

"Just wait Sly" he said smiling as he stood by Seamus.

I roll my eyes as the elevator soon stops and the doors open, enabling us to step out.

I continue to follow them both until we find ourselves in front of a door labeled "242".

Seamus and Jordan whisper something to each other as Jordan opens the door and we walk in.

I sigh as I walk in with them. As they close the door I look up and see myself face to face with Aleks..Alive.


There's that chapter! Yee. Well I'm getting close to ending this book soon actually. This book will end I think in the next chapter c: But for worry, the sequel will be out ^_^ So you all can read that too! x3 Well I'm done here for now, so farewell until next time my beautiful space cats!!




An follow if ya want! (:

Bai my wonderful space cats!

Baiiii~Angel :3

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