Custom Cover Rules/Form

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In this chapter, I'm going to tell you how you can request a cover for me to make for your book and all the rules about it.


Don't worry, it doesn't cost money. If you want a cover made by me this is all you have to do.

1. Add my story, Whiterock to your reading list.

2. Comment on at least the first chapter of Whiterock

3. Permanently follow my account.

4. Tag a friend at the end of your form.

That's it! Now here are the rules if you decide you want me to make a cover for you.

1. You have 48 hours to either accept or reject the cover before it becomes a premade.

2. You may request a remake cover once.

3. Once you accept my cover you must use it for at least two weeks

4. If you reject my cover or you don't accept it within 48 hours then your cover becomes a premade.

5. In the cover, the phrase "Cover by @ravennbrooks" will be placed by the author's name.

6. I have the right to deny your cover request for any reason. I may think that the cover is too challenging for me and I will deny it or I may just not like you.

7. Don't be rude. If you don't like the cover, please say so nicely.

8. Do not continue to ask when your cover will be ready, the time period should be 1 week to 3 weeks depending on the difficulty and my schedule.

That's all. Now here's the form that you must fill out for me to get the appropriate information.

Quick summary of book
Mood (dark, sad, etc.)
Actors that you want me to use
Pictures you want me to use (put link)

That's it for the form. I need that information so I can make a cover that fits your book/plot.

Till later, your friend, Jada

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