Don't let me go part 2

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A bed of broken glass laid underneath Louis. He had thrown all pictures of him and Harry. Then feeling bad about it be started to clean it up. Then going back in the bed room he cleaned it up to. Happy with it he went back into the living room to sit on the couch and wait for Harry. Wait. Harry wasn't coming home, Louis stopped in the hallway, sinking to his knees and crying in his hands. What did he do? sitting against the wall he looked at the one picture he didn't break, his wedding day. Harry an him under a tree smiling. So happy. So happy.

Harry and Amy were busy during a make out session under a tree when Amy got a call from a guy. She answered it laughing and starting the car. Harry gave a confused look, "yeah okay I'll be there soon." Amy said, Harry gave a look of explanation. "Sorry cutie, it's been fun but your gay. Remember?" she said, Harry grew angry. "Excuse me?!" she giggled, "I'm kidding, gosh. My friend and I are going to hang out want to come?" Harry nodded, loving that him and Amy were perfect. They arrived at some high priced bar. Amy pulled Harry in where instantly he saw Zayn, Liam, and Niall. All of them greeted him with annoyed faces. Screw them. Wait no, ug never mind. Harry smirked at them pulling Amy by her waist.

Liam's face twisted as he watched Harry kiss that girl. Louis was at home bawling blaming himself, it was disgusting. Niall patted his knee, "It's okay Daddy D, let him be. He'll learn." Niall reassured. Zayn agreed. Harry eventually came over to them already drunk, "Mates." he said, a drunken smile on his face, "Harold." Zayn greeted him, Harry's smile fell. Anger flashed across his face, Amy came up pulling him to the dance floor. Niall pulled Liam on the floor to. Everyone was dancing when Zayn's phone rang.


"Zayn Malik?"

"Yes, who is this?"

"This is Beverly Greg's and I'm here on chapel street your friend has been in a accident and I found you under his contact list." The voice sounded panicked. "Okay I'll be right there stay with him please." Zayn ran and told the other mates, Harry over heard and followed. Amy sighed, cursing that he left and went to find someone else. Within minutes Harry looked back and saw her and some guy making out. Rage soared threw him, never in his life did Louis ever cheat on him. Never. Wait, LOUIS!

Harry's POV

I ran down the street, I heard Zayn telling it to Liam, they drove I ran. Getting there quicker on foot. I saw his red car smashed, he was on the road, blood poured from his nose and a gnash on his forehead. He has cuts and scrapes all over him. It broke my heart. Running towards him, I stroked his hair it had already rained and the roads were wet. Sitting on the ground I put his head on my lap. He groaned slightly but didn't move. "I'm so sorry. So sorry!" I cried into his hair. Liam got there, with the medics. They got Louis onto a stretcher, I rode in the back with him, never letting go of his hand. I let him go before. Not again.

No ones POV.

The nurses wheeled him into the operating room, he was dying with every minute, he was losing to much blood. Picking all the glass out of him, they sowed up some scratches, and he was going to make it.

Louis woke up in a hospital bed, in a white room. He looked to his left and saw Liam and Niall asleep and on his right he saw Zayn. No Harry. Tears poured from his cheeks, it was true. Harry really didn't care about him anymore. Trying to be quiet his sobs got to loud and woke up Liam. "Baby, why are you crying?" he asked, Louis wiped his tears, "Where's Harry?" he asked. Liam smiled and kissed his head "He's right there." He pointed out the window to where Harry and a nurse was talking. Liam took Niall and Zayn out of the room, when Harry came in. Louis laid down in bed staring at the doorway where Harry stood. "Harry?" Louis spoke first, tears brimming his eyes, Harry frowned, "Yeah buddy?" He asked moving towards Louis. "I'm sorry." Louis said, letting tears fall freely. Harry wiped them away taking his hands in his. "Lou babe look at me. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I vowed to you on our wedding day, I'd never let you go, and I did. I'm so sorry. Amy was nothing. But you are something. I love you Louis. Lou please look at me." Harry stroked his hair, Louis gave in looking at him, "Don't let me go." he whispered. Harry smiled "Never." He kissed Louis. Louis laid back scooting over for Harry who got in bed with him, "I love you." Louis said as he laid his head on Harry's chest, Harry chuckled "I love you to." Louis glanced at Harry's emerald eyes one last time, And held onto Harry's hand tightly, Slowly falling back to sleep, a sleep Louis would never wake up from. A sleep that Harry would kill himself over. A sleep that both boys knew meant that they'd never let each other go again. Goodnight.

Okay it's over. And I typed it on my phone and I don't know where to hit complete at??? But anyway it's officially over. I hope u liked it. I know it's a happy/sad ending. But hey that's life. Anyway see ya later.

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