College Drama

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Derek came to dinner with us and Scott bushed while Stiles gave me a lecherous grin. I just glared at him but the rest of the pack was very happy to see Derek.

"So are you two official?" Allison asked from her seat between Scott and Sophia. Stiles was making cutesy faces with Sophia. It made me smile every time I caught them still making goo goo eyes at each other.

Derek looked at me and smiled. "I think we are." He smiled even bigger as he spoke. I returned his smile.

"We should go out this weekend!" Sophia was almost bouncing in her chair with excitement. "Take advantage of the club scene here in New York." All the wolves at the table gained a sour look. "What?"

"If you were a wolf, you would just walk past one of those clubs and your ears would start bleeding. Our super hearing doesn't mix well with loud music," Scott complained. The smile dropped off Sophia's face. Stiles got his idea face a few moments later.

"What if you guys wore ear plugs? You could dull the music and have normal person hearing for a little bit." We started to smile and look around the table. Sophia kissed Stiles on his cheek in a thank you for saving her plans.

"Looks like the Hale pack is going clubbing." Erica was almost shouting in excitement.

Two days later we were getting ready in our room for our night out. The girls had congregated in my dorm and the boys had gone to Scott and Stiles'. I was assuming that Derek was getting ready in his hotel room, since he hadn't found a place to stay yet.

He had texted me saying he would meet me outside my dorm at eight. I texted him back a picture of my low cut shirt. He said I wasn't playing fair.

"Em, can I borrow your black sequin top?" Sophia asked.

"What are you trying to get into Stiles' pants? That shirt is tight even on my chest and your's is a whole cup size bigger."

"I think after dating for about a year and a half I have the right to sex up my guy." All the girls turned to me.

"So are you going to get into Derek's pants tonight?" Erica asked. I blushed and adjusted my shirt.

"I am not sure. We haven't even been official for a whole week yet. That might be a bit too fast." Erica focused in on my heart beat.

"OMG! You are still a virgin." I wanted to smack her.

"Yes, but you don't have to shout it to the world. I just couldn't do it with anyone. They all made me feel gross."

"The first time Scott and I did it was awkward and not smooth at all. But we were both virgins at the time. So maybe Derek would be able to make it go better? Since he has more experience." I growled a little bit at the thought of those women touching my mate.

"What is the growl for?" Sophia asked.

Erica spoke up. "She was probably thinking about the other women touching her mate. If anyone touched Boyd, I would go full wolf." I nodded along with her.

"That is exactly what I was thinking about." I turned to the mirror that I had on my desk and finished my eyeshadow. Once my makeup was done I adjusted my clothes and put on a nice pair of heels. I was in my deep red tank that had a low cut v neckline, and boot cut black jeans. I would throw on my winter jacket over it all.

"Damn. If Derek at least try tonight I think he may be broken." Erica had the same lecherous grin that Stiles had.

"Sophia, can you do my hair? I never can get the curls to lay right." I was beyond glad that her mom was a hairdresser and taught her how to curl properly. She did a crown of braids with my hair and then curled the rest.

Once the rest of the girls were done, I applied a deep red lipstick as a final touch

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Once the rest of the girls were done, I applied a deep red lipstick as a final touch. I threw the tube in my bag since I knew I would have to retouch at some point.

Derek was waiting for us with the boys outside the dorms. The boys smiled at their girls as they saw them. Derek stared at me. "What?" I asked.

"You look incredible." I blushed. He kissed me on the cheek and then led our group to the subway so we could all travel together. Our whole group would never fit in just one taxi. The wolves put our ear plugs in just before we got off the subway.

The club wasn't too far away and we spent a little bit in line. I could feel the bass thumping from inside the club where I was waiting in line.

By the time we made it inside the entire group was ready for a drink. I didn't want to have any alcohol since I was wanting to remember every moment with Derek. Plus as a werewolf my body would metabolize it to fast to have an effect.

Stiles hit the dance floor with Sophie. The couples of the group joined them. All but myself and Derek. Isaac found a cute blonde by the bar and was off to make his move. I invited Lydia but she had a test to study for.

"So want to dance?" I asked Derek. He looked uncomfortable. "Not much of a dancer huh?"

"Not really. I normally don't even go clubbing. Can't get drunk, can't go on the dance floor without getting groped." I sighed.

"But I happen to enjoy dancing with my friends. Please, for me?" I gave him a pouty face. He caved quickly. I made a note for the future about that, ways to get im to do what I wanted.

I turned my back to him on the dance floor and pressed back against him. His hands settled on my hips and I brought my arms up to rest my hands on his. We rocked our hips together and I could feel his dick twitching in interest.

I smiled about the fact that I had that power over him. Pretty soon though he went back to the table and I danced with the girls. That is until I caught sight of a woman trying to hit on Derek. She was flirting pretty heavily.

I was hoping that he would tell her that he was in a relationship and wasn't interested. It looked like he tried but she was still flirting. I stormed off the dance floor and over to the table. "What the hell are you doing?"

The woman looked up at me and smirked. "Is this your girl friend? She seems a little young. You need a more mature woman." She turned back to Derek and I could feel my eyes flash in my anger.

"You bitch! He is perfectly happy with me."

"Why don't you let him speak for himself little one." I glared at her and looked at Derek.

"I appreciate the attention miss, but Emilia is my girlfriend. She makes me happier than I even have been and you need to leave. Before you make even more of a fool of yourself." She walked off in a huff.

I sat down next to Derek again and leaned against his side. "Was all that true?"

"What that I have never been as happy as I am with you? Every last word."  

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