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Hennessy — K.T.S // All Rights Reserved  

  ❝ Every single time I close my eyes, I see yours. The deep, hazel core surrounded by a forest green hue. I always thought of it as a forest fire. You were the flames that corrupted the canopies of green, destroying everything that was once beautiful, only to leave piles of ember and ash. A beautiful mess engulfed with the blazing fire, creating a lovely tragedy.

You made me a tragedy. I was once lovely, with silky auburn hair that drifted along the small of my back with every step I took. Ivory skin that was touched with the kisses of freckles along my cheekbones, now being warped with the darkness beneath my eyes from the lack of sleep. My beautiful hair was now laced with tangles, cut to my upper shoulders with the bare kitchen scissors that were weak along the blade.

Every time I closed my eyes, I saw you. A person I no longer recognized in a crowd of strangers. Someone who gave me so many wonderful things to remember, though each time a memory crawls within the walls of my head, a sharp pain finds its way deep within my chest  — Regret? Longing? Heartbreak?  — I couldn't collect what exactly the pain was. I just . . saw you.

Your hair was different, now trimmed along the sides and layered along your forehead, barely a whisper above your eyelids. The way you dressed had changed. You no longer wore the simple henley and denim jeans that pulled me in deeper, you were clothed in button downs and khakis.

And maybe I changed too. Maybe, I found interest in things that no longer excited you. Things that set my mind at ease. Perhaps I lost the need to impress you with the things I wore, or how mature I seemed to be around you and your friends. Maybe, it was the constant burning of Hennessy that slipped with ease down my throat. The liquor tainting my breath. My lips. The stinging giving me no recollection of the night before, or how many fights we had around 3 am.

We had different tastes, you and I. You were once the person who made me feel stone cold sober, only to leave me in an intoxicated mess upon the bathroom floor. An empty bottle of alcohol lying at my feet as my skin pressed against the cold tile. I was a tragedy. A tragedy you once promised to take care of, to always be there for.

A tragedy that you swore you'd never burn down. Yet there I was, tears falling effortlessly down my cheeks and staining the white tee you once wore that was drenched with your scent. My breaths were heavy and relapsed, unable to keep a steady pace as sobs spilled from the crevice of my lips.

I was a tragedy. You had me engulfed in your flames and drowning within the Hennessy. ❞

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2017 ⏰

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