"Oh, so now you're paying attention?"

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Lauren was sitting at the kitchen table in Camila's apartment. She was on her computer looking over some stuff that she had to get ready for school before August came around. She was beginning to prepare her applications for her residency and just wanted to make sure that she had everything she needed.

She was starting to get stressed because the deadlines were quickly approaching. She had been emailing professors all morning to have them write letters of recommendation for her. Currently, she was updating he resume and working on writing her personal statements for the programs. She just needed a little more time today to get it done.

Camila looked over at Lauren and sighed. All the woman ever did anymore was ignore her to work on applications. She was too busy. So why did Lauren even bother coming over anymore? She frowned and went back to making their dinner. "Babe, do you want bread with this or no?" She asked as she grabbed the loaf. She just wanted the woman to at least acknowledge her.

Lauren was in the zone. She had been researching all of the different programs and finally narrowed them down. Now she just needed to sell herself. If she was going to get into some of the best programs in the country she would have to do a really good job. She continued to type away at her computer.

Camila furrowed her brows when the woman didn't respond. She didn't have any music in... it was silent. She sighed. "Lauren. Do you want bread or not?" She asked again as she sliced her bread. This was't the first time Lauren ignored her. It kind of hurt... She frowned and took a sip of her beer. She was tired of feeling ignored all the time. She'd been ignored a lot lately.

Lauren continued to type away at her computer. She was getting frustrated with herself because the words that she wanted to say just weren't coming out. She quickly hit the backspace button so she could just start over. She was never good at describing herself. She brought a hand up to scratch her head as she pondered over the task. Finally it clicked and she began to type quickly.

Camila huffed in frustration. She was glad that Lauren was doing this but... she shouldn't be ignored... She threw the knife into the sink and walked over to the front door to grab her wallet and keys. She needed to get out of there. She slammed the door shut behind her and walked up the stairs. She wanted to go to the roof. She was fed up with Lauren ignoring her all the time. She couldn't handle it anymore. She needed her girlfriend back. She understood that the woman was busy, but she could at least answer a simple question.

Lauren was in the middle of typing when she heard something. She ignored it for a minute until she heard the door slam. She looked up and saw that her girlfriend was no longer in the apartment. She quickly hit save and stood up. She walked over to the window and looked outside. Seeing that her girlfriend wasn't out in front of the building she knew that she was on the roof.

The older woman walked out of the door and made her way upstairs. Once she got to the roof she saw Camila sitting, facing away from her. She walked up behind her girlfriend, "Hey? Did something happen? Why did you just leave like that?"

Camila heard Lauren behind her and shook her head. "Oh, so now you're paying attention? I have to throw sharp objects in the sink and slam the door for you to acknowledge me?" She scoffed. "I'm fine. Just... go back to whatever it was you're doing."

Lauren was taken aback by Camila's sudden burst of anger. She didn't understand what was going on. "What do you mean?" She said confused. "I was doing my work and then all of a sudden you just left." She moved to sit down next to Camila. "How is this my fault?" Lauren asked, turning her head to look at her girlfriend.

Camila laughed softly. "I've been trying to get you to pay attention to me for days now, Lauren. I just asked you a simple question and you didn't even answer me. Do you even know what I asked?" She doubted it. Was this how it was going to be? "You're going to school again in a month or so. And I just want to spend some time with my girlfriend before she's busy again. Because I know that we won't be able to see each other as often. I just wish you felt the same way."

Lauren was genuinely confused. "I didn't realize you asked me a question." She said. "You know that I'm trying to get my application stuff done, and the sooner that I get them done the more time I will get to spend with you." Lauren thought her girlfriend knew what she was getting into with dating a med student. "I want to spend time with you, too, Camila." She paused, "All I needed was another hour or so and I was going to wrap up for the night. But instead I'm up here, trying to figure out why you're so upset."

Camila sighed. It was no use arguing with her. Lauren would always fight her on everything. So she just nodded. "Okay... I'll be down in a minute," she said sadly. "I just need some time alone." Lauren won. She always did. She just didn't want to be ignored. She was making a nice dinner for them. And Lauren was ignoring her. She was sure that if she jumped out of her window, Lauren still wouldn't notice. She sighed and closed her eyes.

Lauren sighed heavily. Sheknew that this wasn't going to be the end of it. This is how it had beenlately. Camila getting upset with her over little things and asking to just bealone. She couldn't even tell if they were fighting or if Camila had just givenup.

She stood up and mumbled, "Whatever." Before she walked away sheturned to Camila, "Can I have the key...I left mine downstairs." Shetook the key from Camila's hand and walked toward the door, "And by theway...if you're giving up on this...just fucking tell me. Because I'm hurtingnow, too." She walked through the door and back down to the apartment. Sheopened the door and went into the kitchen to finish their dinner...hoping Camilawould be down soon.    

AN: Just a quick little update. I should have another chapter up v, v soon.

If you haven't noticed already, I published a new book called Only You Can Save Me. It's a Lauren G!P.

I also have another book: Perfect Pair, which is a Lauren G!P as well.

I will love you all forever if you read them and let me know what you think!

As always, enjoy!

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