"Does she make you happy?"

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Camila had arrived at the hotel not long ago. She took off her pants and slipped on her shorts. She needed to try to sleep. She didn't want to be here anymore, in Texas. She couldn't stop thinking about Lauren. Her heart was broken. After seeing Lauren with her girlfriend... Her heart was completely broken. She finished getting ready for bed and slipped under the covers. Once her head hit the pillow, she felt herself starting to cry into it.

Lauren was driving to the hotel, lost in her thoughts. She really needed to talk to Camila. Once she got there she parked and quickly walked inside. It had only been about 30 minutes since Camila had shown up. She walked up to the check-in desk and asked the worker what room Camila was in. After getting the number she made her way to the elevator and pressed for the 7th floor. She quickly got off and walked over to Camila's room, 727. She took a deep breath and knocked. She wasn't even sure why she came, but she knew she needed to actually talk to Camila.

Lauren waited impatiently for Camila to open the door. She just really needed to talk to the woman...to see for herself what was going on with Camila. Dinah had told her some, but Lauren just had to see it for herself. She looked up when the door open. Camila had puffy eyes and was dressed in her pajamas...but she was still as beautiful as ever.

The younger woman sighed when she heard the knocking on the door. She wiped at her eyes and looked at herself in the mirror. She headed toward the door and opened it, looking down. It was Lauren. She must've read the note. She remembered it word for word. She must've rewritten it about 20 times before actually finishing it. "I told you that I'll get out of your life, Laur. So... please. I get it, okay? I broke your heart. You won't hear from me again. I promise, alright?"

"Stop." Lauren said softly. "I know that you said that, but I'm here...I don't want to not hear from you again." Lauren confessed. "Can I come in...please?"

Camila took a deep breath in and nodded. She stepped to the side and let her ex walk in. Once she did, she closed the door behind her. She walked over to the mini fridge and pulled out two bottles of water. She handed Lauren one and sat down at the table near the bed.

Lauren was thankful that Camila had let her in, but she knew that the woman would. It was evident to her that Camila still wanted her back more than anything, whether she was showing it or not. Lauren graciously accepted the water bottle, "Thank you." Lauren followed Camila over to where she was sitting. She wasn't sure where to go, so she sat on the corner of the bed.

"Why are you here?" Camila had initially come to Texas in hopes of making everything up to Lauren, and it broke her heart to see that she'd moved on. She was with someone else.

"I read your note...and I wanted to talk to you." Lauren said. "Why did you wait so long..." Lauren was curious. She was kind of hoping Camila would show up sooner than six months later.

Camila played with the bottle cap. "You said that you didn't want to see me again. So... I gave you some time, hoped that you wouldn't be as upset and it's clear you're not. You've... moved on." She sighed.

Lauren sighed softly. "I wanted you to chase after me... You broke my heart, Camz. That's something people say in the moment... I would have killed to see you...have you with me again." Lauren said as the end of her sentence trailed off. "I haven't moved on." Lauren stated matter of factly. She wanted Camila to know the truth.

Camila listened to Lauren. She knew where the woman was coming from. She knew that people say stuff like that in the moment. "But you looked me directly in the eyes and said to me that you never wanted to see me again. What was I supposed to do?" She clenched her hand around the bottle as her eyes filled up with tears.

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