Ian ♥ (Another Clothes design)

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Heya sinners~! This is more clothes designs for my OC Ian, who is also a character for a book I'm planning very soon. Hope you guys check it out when you see it! ♥

If you ask around the town, they'll tell you to be wary about your surroundings in the woods at night

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If you ask around the town, they'll tell you to be wary about your surroundings in the woods at night. Elves roam the place day and night, singing songs or helping travelers that had become lost. But when night falls... You better run. Although some of them retain their happy-go-lucky personalities, most change with the flip of a coin. One of those individuals being Ian, or better known as the "Moonlight's Siren". Apprentice by day, assassin by night.

Ian is one of many elves that possess the power to change their voice to weapons. Ian's weapon is called "The Sirens call".(If you know what a Siren is historically then this will make sense.) All he has to do to sing a specific melody which would captivate anyone who hears it, trapping them in hypnotic trance. If that doesn't work, his appearance is what will get you. Males have mistaken him for a female several times and only few have been able to tell the tale of what happens.

They'll tell you of his glowing yellow that seemed to shine gold when the moonlight struck them, his porcelain skin that was soft to the touch and his feminine body, how hypnotic his voice sounded. But the strange part is that he always covers the bottom half of his face with his cloak.

Well... If they knew why then they wouldn't be able to tell you, now would they?

His personality isn't really known that well since he doesn't come outside of the magic shop he works at, only greeting a few customers if they happen to spot him. But he's polite but quite distant, the only exceptions being his close and the shop keeper since he cares about them the most. He's funny when he feels comfortable enough around you but he's still on his guard most of the time.
Hmm... I'm not sure what else I should put here. I basically covered everything so I hope you think he's an interesting character to a degree. *Chuckles softly* Anyways, it's about 1 a.m.  as I'm writing this so I should be getting sleep.

As always, I'll see you later sinners~. ♥

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