Burnell (?)

17 6 2

(That moment when you're making art chapters during DIT class)
Okay this another Elf Oc I did because why the hell not?

He's shirtless because at first he was an anatomy project but then I turned it into an Oc. Also I couldn't come up with a clothes design for him. :'>

( Can someone also help me with a color scheme for him as well?)

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

( Can someone also help me with a color scheme for him as well?)


(When you see the name Felix W, that's his voice.) 
Got any questions then just put them in the comments and as always, I'll see you later sinners~! ♥

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