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Catherine's POV

"Wakey, wakey eggs and bakey"

I groaned and threw a pillow at whoever said that.

"Hey!" She giggled and the voice was more evident.

I sat up straight "Blake!"

I love Blake. She is the reason I became an actress.

She is wearing this beautiful white dress that helps her hide her baby bump. She has this glow from being 8 months pregnant.

"C'mon you! Your missing brunch! Get dressed were going to the cafe." She gets up from the bed.

The cafe.

Dylan has forbid me to go there. Last summer I went alittle... well... crazy. I don't know.

Ok short summary about how I totally hit rock bottom:

I was this cute little girl ready to fulfill her dreams of being an actress. I land my first role on this tv show about demigods. This is wear I met Logan, I played his twin sister... Probably just because we both have blue eyes... Anyway! Sorry, but ya I started dating Joey, and at first everything was perfect.

All of Joey's fans totally shipped us especially when he wrote his number single "My Baby's Blue Eyes" about me.

We were this 'it' couple in my mind. I felt like no one could touch us. So I took this to my advantage. I treated people like dirt, making the Cafe like my evil headquarters. You could only get in if you were on good terms with me, so even though I was total bitch everyone worshipped me. Except one girl.


I don't want to get into that whole backstory because its too painful and Uggh I can't stand even thinking about it. But Joanna was the one defying me. I couldn't have anyone else falling in her line so I did what any power obsessed teenage girl would do- public humiliation.

Pushing her the pool was like the breaking point. Most of my friends had it at this point. They all left me. They didn't think I would ever be able to bounce back from this, I mean I don't blame them, I was really low. Only Bri and Logan stayed by side, true friends, they didn't want to destroy me... just fix me.

Everyone abondoned me, even my boyfriend, for a good reason too. But now it just feels wierd going back into the place that was our place.

It was where I first met most of them. It was where Joey first asked me out by writing on a napkin because he was so nervous. It was where Joanna poured her ice latee on my head and Bri beat the crap out of her in the girls bathroom.

All these memories started flooding back to me all at once.

I will never be that girl again. I knew it in my heart. I will never let it get that far ever again.

So whats the harm of it. I know who I am.

Robbie has helped me become more myself again. And as long as I have him in my life I will stay myself.

I took a deep breathe "What about Dylan..."

"Hes waiting for us there. Now get dressed. I have a big day planned." Blake smiled down at me.

I jumped out of bed and put on some black skinny jeans with gray swet shirt. I had chestnut uggs and quikly pit my hear in a pony tale. I straighted my pony and just threw on some normal foundation. Nothing too flashy.

Downstairs Blake's husband Ryan is waiting to drive us since Blake can't right now.

Once we get there I stop outside. Blake gives me a worried glance but I reassure her that I will be fine. I just needed a minute.

I took a few deep breathes and before I couls even give myself a chance to really think about this I march in.

I see a long table to the side with wine glasses filled with orange juice.

Dylan was already there along with Tyler, Bri, Logan, half of the Teen Wolf cast, and Robbie.

Seeing Robbie there just made my heart start beating faster.


I look over in the other direction. I hadn't even paid attention to anyone else in the cafe. Thats the effect Robbie has on me, he makes me feel liks we're the only two people in the world.

I whip around to see a boy my age. Dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, same height as me.

"Burkley?" I asked

"Ya. Its me. Where have you been hiding?" he asked with his eyebrows up.

Burkley. Oh Burkley. Me and Burkley are both from Boston. Actually we went to the same elementry school. I was too scared to go to my first auditon so he went with me for the fun of it and got a main part in the show.

10-14 I was on the show Hereos of Olympus with Logan and Burkley. Its still going on but now we have time to do other projects.

Logan went off and started doing movies while Burkley went to the UK and stars in some British mystery show. And me you know, guest starring on Once Upon A Time.

"Vancouver." I say quickly amswering his question.

"Why are you looking at me like I'm about to pounce. Give me a hug!" He commands.

I walk over to him and gently hug him.

Burkley witnessed me turn into something I'm not proud of but he left before the whole incident with Joanna happened.

"I heard about you and Joey... Cat..." he began but couldn't find the words.

"Burk, I'm fine! Don't worry that girl is long gone. I'm me again." I did alittle dance and now looking back at it I don't know why.

He laughed, "ya, those are definately your moves" he ran his fingers through his hair.

I pushed him. He was so annoying sometimes.

I noticed he looked different. He was bigger. And he alot of hair, hasn't he ever heard of a supercuts? I openly admit though Burkley is hot but his personality totally kills it for me.

He flirts with every girl in sight. We're friends because I let him practice on me and tell him what pick up lines are good and what are cheesy.

"Lets sit!" he says.

And the morning that starts it all begins. The morning that little did I know would change everything.

Ok guys, I like adding random stars in it that I like! Deal with it! But ya alot of drama coming up. I wanted you to get a good grasp about all the things Catherine has been through and ya I hope you like it.

Do me a favor and vote. If you like my story vote. It would mean alot to me..

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