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Its dead.

Dead silent, I mean.

Everyone was off to do some gang meeting, but they promised me food though

What to do. What to do. What to d-

Lightbulb! I always wanted to be bennett .... I grinned ear to ear at the idea and ran upstairs to his room.

I opened the door to his room and saw a room you would see in rich peoples room.

I checked his closet and smiled to myself. A cool guy has cool clothes

I took his white shirt, leather jacket, and his jeans. I took my clothes off and started putting my- his clothes. I looked at myself from head to toe.

Something's missing though.

Another lightbulb! I put my hair in a bun and left some bangs to fall to the side like his, put his shoes on and looked at myself in the mirror again.

Not enough

I grabbed his gun, which you took the ammos out, and played around with it, adding some few 'pew Pew's here and there.

I left his room with my- his clothes still on, mine is left on his bed.

Just one last thing to do. COOK like bennett

Time to make some sandwiches for me and the guys. After a eight triangular sandwiches, I heard the door open.

"Naomi! We forgot to bring snacks! Actually, declan ate your sna-"

"You were the one who ate it!!"


"I made sandwiches" I walked out with the plate of Sandwiches

the three let out a gasp. Except jordan was half-gasp and half-squel

"What?" I checked Bennett's face for an answer but, I only received a tomato-faced bennett

"your clo-"

"I forgot!!" I ran upstairs to his room and locked to change

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