1. an act of counting numerals in reverse order to zero.
Imagine living a life where you knew exactly which day would be your last? Everyone in this world is born with a countdown embedded into their skin expressing how long the person will live for. A small mark resembling a tattoo reveals how many years, days or possibly minutes you have left. This countdown can change at any time of the day throughout your life all depending on the actions you make. The countdown begins high, averaging anywhere between 80 to 110 years old. The more mistakes you make, the lower the countdown gets. While avoiding misconduct with the law can possibly save your life, going against the government in any way will most likely cut your time short.
After all, they do tell us: you break it, you face it.
The problem was,
I hadn't done anything wrong yet my countdown was lowering tremendously,
and there was no way to fix it.
countdown [h.s.]
Fanfictioncount·down noun 1. an act of counting numerals in reverse order to zero.