Supernatural (Destiel) Fanfic: "Similarities"

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  As the door to the temporary motel room slammed shut, one of the sopping wet figures, panting heavily but laughing nonetheless, sunk to the floor, exhausted from the long run back.

  Dean peeled off his jacket, pushing his short wet hair back off his forehead. "Geez, it's really pouring out there."

  Though the room was dark, he could see the silhouette of his friend nod. "I apologize for keeping you out there in this weather."

  "Eh, no biggie," Dean shrugged nonchalantly, wringing out his shirt sleeves on the floor, "It's not the worst storm I've been through."

  He trudged over to one of the two beds and sat down, the feeling of the soaking fabric beneath him, made his nose scrunch up in disgust. Removing his boots and laying back on the creaky mattress, he vaguely wondered if Cas was as uncomfortable as him in his soaking wet clothes.

  Castiel surprised Dean by sitting down on the bed opposite him, mirroring Dean's own actions and pulling off both his long, heavy trench coat and his shoes; though instead of laying back on the cot, he just sat there, staring down at the brunette.

  Dean cracked one eye open, checking to see if Cas was staring at him as usual. "Why don't you lie down? You're making me uncomfortable just lookin' at you." He flipped over onto his side and propped himself up on his elbow, holding back a smirk directed at the blue-eyed angel.

  "Am I that unpleasant to look at?" Cas asked seriously, cocking his head to the side slightly.

  "No, that's not what I meant," Dean chuckled, "I just... Aren't you gonna lie down? You don't get tired at all? Not even a little bit?"

  Cas shifted on the bed a little, and after a loud creak from the mattress, he replied, "I don't, usually, feel tired, but I can rest if I choose to. Although it is greatly different from how humans sleep." He combed his dark brown hair back with his fingers, after which Dean had to keep himself from laughing, as a few stray pieces of hair stuck back up again. "Besides, someone needs to look out for you Winchesters."

  At the thought of his younger brother, Dean frowned. "Sammy's in California by himself; shouldn't you be watching him too?"

  It was the anniversary of Jessica's death tomorrow, and Sam had gone to her grave to visit. Dean, of course, had protested, saying that they had too much work to do, but Sam had insisted, and so Dean had let him go off on his own for once.

  There was a long, awkward pause before Cas said hesitantly, "He'll be fine. It's you I'm worried about."

  Sounding slightly incredulous, Dean laughed a bit too loudly, and said, "You- You're worried about me? I can take care of myself Cas..!" He quickly stopped himself from adding a "don't be so stupid" on the end of his last sentence.

  "I always worry about you, Dean." Cas said steadily, staring intensely at the man sitting across from him. "You're my..." He paused for a moment, apparently trying to find the right word. "You're my friend." It was true of course. Dean was Cas' only true friend, and the same could be said for Dean.

  Dean suppressed a smile and sat up, swinging his legs off the side of the bed and looking at Cas briefly before getting up with a groan and rotating his wrists. "Alright, alright... I appreciate it Cas, I really do; I'm just worried about my brother is all." He stretched his arms above his head and yawned, "I'm going to take off these wet clothes; hopefully I have some semi-clean ones to change into somewhere." Dean looked over his shoulder at the angel and added, "You might want to take off some layers too. You'll dry off faster that way."

  Looking half confused, Castiel nodded, and worked off his suit jacket. He watched Dean yawn again as he closed the door of the bathroom, and shook his head. He'd never understand the purpose of that particular human action.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2014 ⏰

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