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"Now the only thing I want to do is leave home," Angela Kavanaugh angrily spoke. She held her fist up to show anger. "I am leaving-"

"Where will you-"

"Look pal, I have no idea where I'll end up at. I am just," she dropped her pen, squeezed her lower left lip and raised the pitch of her tone a bit, "hmm leaving!"

"But, why?" Joyce "Jo" Franklin, her squad mate and friend, asked.

"Joe I wish you had a chance to witness what I am going through." She closed her eyes and leaned forward until her face touched her partially exposed thighs. Upon rising, she positioned her upper body part to make a right angle with the legs and placed a hand to her inner thigh like she was easing off a skin itch before she added, "We'd be in an agreement Jo."

"Angie? Really? Why could you even talk that way?" Ms Franklin wanted more convincing enough reasons.

"Still not convinced?" she asked, "Whatever!" she added using a phrase that to a girl's language meant, screw you!

"Be nice. They're your family. He is your-"

Angela's straight look at Jo's face must have stopped Jo from more praise.

A couple of people had gathered beside them, in groups of twos or threes talking. Others' feet were walking down the few steps to join the ever growing and patient crowd. An uncomfortable toddler, somewhere behind them, broke into a loud disturbing cry. Several heads got the sound, turned to steal a glance.

From the corner of her eye, Angela caught a huge flock of storks flying over the station in V formation. Lovely, she thought before she continued her talk with Joe.

"If we'd choose family, the same way I chose Sebastian, he'd not be my dad. Anymore. My step sister, Cleo, has more say in that house than I do and for my step mum," she paused for a deep breath, "her bark is worse than I suppose her bite! Please God," she stepped aside a little, "give Uncle Jürgen Van Beethoven a soft heart so he can let sweet Aunt Yulia spend more of her weekends with us. Send Olivia plus her wickedness away and please don't let less-evil-Cleo to walk away with her."

Jo sighed.

Angela took a second break from their talk. This time round her pause was unusually long. She continued, "Last week they traveled. Dad wanted me to go with them but as always, Olivia easily talked him out of it. I am now alone in that house, it feels strange and with Sebastian still under that bitch's wing-"

"And your sister?"

"Cleopatra? Cleo closed her small business and went along." A tear escaped her left glands and ran down her soft face. "I don't know what I did to dad or maybe my late mum offended him." She rose from the bench asking, "Why? Why dad? My last hope? Why me? Why only Angie? Mum why did you die? It's been five years. Please have me join you!"

"Oh no don't cry sweetie."

Angela clicked then squealed, "I am not!"

"But, you've tears in both of your eyes. Believe me bae. You ain't alone. Your friend... Your number one friend, Jo is here with you."

"No. At home it is me alone and for our housekeeper Kristina Di Lorenzo, my wicked step mum fired her."

"What of Seb? Are you guys-"

"Sebastian is yet to return my call since he betrayed me. I've told him he's forgiven but, he doesn't pick up, call back or respond to my millions of messages to his phone."

"Seriously? Why?"

Angela ignored the question to speak of something else. "However, Kristina sometimes sneaks in and does most of the chores."

The Arrivals (THE NARRATIVES OF VAMPIRES, BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now