Chapter 1

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     The Sun was out and the cool breeze added to the new beginning of a year being an exchange student in this enigmatic country. It was on her bucket list to come back to this place, there was something about Insomnia that made her want to come back. Being a medical student doesn't give you much free time, so she's utilizing what time she has by volunteering at the Library and also to release her stress by going to one of the music classes; one of her hobbies was to sing.

"Let's see" she was sitting in one of the empty classes and sat down by the piano, "what do I feel like singing today?" closing her eyes to get in touch with her inner most emotions.

"I miss home...I miss my family...I miss my friends..." she sighed with her thoughts "I really miss great grandma...and grandpa" the worst kind of feeling is to miss someone who you can never see again.

     Placing her fingers on the keys and after clearing her throat.

"Who can say for certain, maybe you're still here? I feel you all around me, your memories so clear. Deep in the stillness, I can hear you speak. You're still an inspiration, can it be?"

     She was very into the moment that she didn't realize someone was standing by the door listening to her.

Stalker's POV

I was on my way to meet up with my friends when I heard someone playing the piano in one of the music classes along the hallway. It made me wonder who would be around when classes were over, and curiosity got the better of me. The door was slightly ajar, so I peeked inside to see if it was anyone I knew.

The girl started to sing a song that I was not very familiar with. Heck the girl was not just someone I didn't know, I've never even seen here before. A new student? A transfer? Come to think of it, she didn't look like someone from around here either. An exchange student?

The sound of her voice broke through his thoughts. It mesmerized him somehow. Only after a few seconds did the lyrics hit him, and it hit him hard.

"That you are mine forever love. And that you are watching me from up above~ up to where you are beyond the distant star. I wish upon tonight, to see you smile! If, only for a while to know you're there...a breath away's not far, to where you are..."

     The lyrics of the song conjured an image of a woman to his mind. A woman that he can only now see through the very few photos that he kept with him since the rest were put away to be less of a reminder of olden days. Days that which he missed, a lot, days when he still had her around, his mother.

Why-why does this song make me feel like this? That emotion that she's conveying, why does it touch me so? It's been so long since I've thought of mother this way, is it because...she's missing someone who is, gone too?

     He stood there to listen to the rest of the song and actually took a video recording of her.

"Are you gently sleeping, here inside my dream? And isn't faith believing, all power can't be seen? As my heart holds you, just one beat away, I cherish all you gave me, every day. Cause you are my~ forever love, watching me, from up above. And I believe, that angels breathe, and that love will live on and never leave~"

I better get out of here before she realizes, and...and before I loose control of myself...

     He turned to leave and slightly, accidentally knocked his phone on the door causing her to stop abruptly and turn around.

"Who's there?" she asked.

"Uh, hi" realizing that it was useless to pretend to not notice.

"Who are you?" gasped and blushed

     He made a mental eye-roll towards her reaction because he was tired of people, mainly girls gasping every time they see him. Not that it's their fault, but to think that he'd get used to it by now.

"Yeah it's m-" he was about to say.

"How long have you been standing there?" her look was more of an embarrassment rather that 'love-struck'.

"Ah...quite a while, why?"

"So that means you he-heard me, sing...?"

"Yes" and was amused to see her reaction "I didn't know people can actually turn redder, and she's red all towards her ears! How cute is that? Wait. Cute? What are you thinking?" he though. "Why are you so embarrassed?"

"I just, don't feel comfortable with people hearing me sing. That's why I waited after school hours to come here."

"How are you going to major in music if you're shy and not confident with your own voice?" he chuckled.

"Oh no I don't major in music. I'm just here to use the equipment and sing a little just to release some stress and thoughts. I'm majoring in medicine."

"Oh! So you must know Luna."


"Yes, Lunafreya. You know, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret? She majors in medicine too." Tried to explain, but she still looked confused.

"I do not know anyone by the name Luna, in fact I don't really know anyone here. I'm an exchange student."

"Oh! That explains a lot honestly" finally, someone who didn't know who he is. "I'm Noctis" he held out his hand.

"I'm Melody" taking his hand and smiled.

     Her smile made his heart skip a beat.

"Damn, get yourself together man" he thought to himself, "It was nice meeting you Melody. I have to go meet up with my friends, they're probably wondering where I've been."

"Yeah sure, I have to head to the library too. It was nice meeting you too" her smile never leaving.

"The library? Geeze you medical students really don't get out much huh?"

She laughed which made him smile, "No, I'm actually heading over there to start my volunteer work."

"You're volunteering in the library?" his said with a bit distastes.

"So sue me" she shrugs "I just love books" she grinned, picked up her stuff to leave. "Well, see you around Noctis."

"Yeah, see you around Melody."

     One last smile before she turned around to head the other way towards the library.

"Hey Melody" Noctis called out and she turned "Don't be embarrassed with your voice, you were amazing." That made her turn red again with a shy smile, and a nod, she turned around to get on her way.

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