Chapter 13

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The street lights lit up as the day turns dark; the gloomy weather was going to bring rain with it evident with all the rumbling of thunder at the distance. Most were in taking early shelter indoor, but she was still making her way aimlessly through the almost empty street. She didn't know where's she heading, she's just letting her legs carry her to wherever.

Drop by drop it started slow, and soon enough it was a full on downpour. Everyone ran to get out of the rain, but she was still in her own pace, still wondering aimlessly only looking on the gravel covered street. Her mind was preoccupied, indecisive of what she wanted to do. Should she go and meet him even if she's spend the days avoiding him, or should she just ignore Luna's advice?

She came to a halt when she saw a pair of black boots blocking her path. Only then did she realize that everyone else must have given way to her that she didn't have to stop; until now. Her eyes traced up the booth to see knee length pants, then black t-shirt with skull imprints covered with a black leather jacket, "What is it with the colour black?" she thought, then her eyes met those of crystalized blue.

Noctis reached out his hand that holds the umbrella and sheltered Melody from the pouring rain. His eyes still locked with those brown ones. The tight feeling in his heart made him sob, the throbbing pain felt excruciating that it was hard to breathe. He tried hard to keep himself seem unruffled with her presence but he's actually shaking inside, and his hands were beginning to tremble with his overwhelmed feelings.

"You're getting cold from the rain," she mistaken his trembling as shivering and took a step closer to him so that both will be under the umbrella.

Melody could see the fast raising and dropping of his chest, and noticed the quick rhythmic movement of the pulse in his neck. Noctis had his gloved hand in fists the moment she took the step; he was hardly able to contain himself that he didn't dare to look down at her.

His mind was fighting with his heart to not crush her in a hug at that moment. If only she knew how relieved he was to see her after days of hell; not being able to do anything right, or to even think straight.

"What were you doing wondering these streets at night?" she broke his thoughts, "I was looking for you..." a whispered thought crossed his mind, he bit his tongue to stop himself from saying what was on his mind fearing that it will make her leave. "Are you clearing your mind too?" he could feel her eyes searching his face for some reaction but her eyes then stared blankly at his chest when she said, "Luna must have left for Altissia by now, right?"

He lowers his gaze and realized that the top of her head reached just below his chin. As his eyes traveled lower they rested upon her lips, her eyes were still staring blankly but his eyes kept lingering on the part of her face where he felt compelled to claim as his.

The silent that was between the two of them made Melody curious, is he not the least bit sad that Luna just left? Or maybe he's super excited about the upcoming wedding that he's speechless? She lifted her head since he wasn't saying anything for a good 5 minutes but her eyes met of a surprised, widen blue of Noctis's. It was dark, but the red that found their place on Noctis's cheeks could be seen as clear as day.

"I-I...ah...I," he stutter and his free hand shot straight to rubbing back of his neck but his eyes couldn't let go of those brilliant brown ones.

Her arms crossed and she raised one eyebrow, "Were you even listening to a single word I was saying?" Even when she was upset he still found her attractive. "Well?" she's a persistent one. He sighs and resisted the urge to do an eye-roll, "I heard you," he braved himself, maybe if she can't read his body language, maybe she can read his feelings through the way he looks at her. "But if I am being honest with myself right now, it doesn't matter to me that she's on her way to Altissia."

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