The past

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{{When Daisy and Billy where 10}}

Daisy POV

I hate Billy!! I hate him so much!! He always mess things up for me. I look up and see Billy giving me an evil grin. I KNOW HE DID IT!! Next time I won't be so nice said Billy and walked away. HAHAHA I laughed at him because he thinks I'm scared of him. This means WAR!!

Billy POV

I give her a evil grin to let her know that I did it. Next time I won't be so nice I said to her and walked away. Well I was walking I heard her laughing. I turn around I hear Daisy say this means war!! I laugh because she going to lose this war.

This is the day Daisy and Billy started hating each other!

But why? You ask.

On a rainy day....

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