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A year later...

Camber Sands, Kent

Niall's POV

So maybe things don't always turn out the way you want them to be, but sadness

is temporary and I'm on my way to being happy again. Maybe not now, but soon.

I stared at the small waves gushing on my feet, the sand slowly burying my toes

as the water splashed harder. I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes, the fresh

scent of the sea crawling up my nostrils. I opened my eyes and looked up, the

sky was bright and blue and I couldn't help but smile at myself.

"Hi." she greeted softly. I looked behind me, her blonde locks were being blown

away by the breeze, and her eyes were brighter than the sun. Her body, perfect

as ever, with that small bump growing everyday. She will always be ever so

beautiful to me.

"Hi." I answered back and walked over to her.

"How are you? It's nice to see you again, I really miss you." she softly said

and placed her hand on that small bump.

"I miss you too. You look beautiful." I smiled.

"Beautiful? I feel fat as ever, Nialler. And I'm craving for sushi!" I laughed

at her silly remark.

Diana's POV

Expect the unexpected. How is that quote even possible? I didn't expect to see

Niall around, but I hoped I did. Okay, so maybe I hoped everyday that I would

suddenly bump into him and work things out between us. It's been a rough year,

but Harry gave me so much happiness and love that I forgot all about the pain.

Harry fixed me, and he mended my heart, completing the missing puzzle piece.

As usual, his dirty blonde hair was messy, but in a nice way. Just the way I

liked. His smile as radiant as ever, and no more braces!! Wow, he looks amazing.

"Niall, baby, I found my-" a petite girl walked in our direction, long blonde

locks and a gorgeous smile. Wow.

I smiled at her, "Hello."

"Hi, you must be Diana?" I nodded once.

"Niall tells me a lot about you." she giggled as I furrowed my eyebrows at


"Good things, of course. Don't worry." she laughed and I sighed deeply before I

laughed with her.

"Diana, this is Marjorie. Marjorie, Diana." Niall said as Marjorie offered a

hand for me to shake.

"Nice to meet you, Marjorie."


I sat down on the small bench by the beach to watch the sunset. Harry was out

fishing with Niall so I had time alone... Or did I?

"Is this seat taken?" Marjorie's squeaky voice echoed behind me. I shook my head

and smiled at her.

"The sunset's so pretty, wish the boys were out here to see it."

"Well I'm sure they're looking at the same sun right now." I giggled.

"You're a very lucky girl," I whispered. She looked at me with confusion.

"Niall is very special. He's caring, loving, lovable, funny, quite the whoe

package." I couldn't help but smile.

"But you're luckier. You're his first." Now I looked at her in confusion. I'm

pretty sure I'm not Niall's first girlfriend.

"He told me that out of all the girls he's been with, he only fell in love with

one. And that's you."

I felt tears fill up my eyes, but I wouldn't dare cry in front of her. Memories

came crashing through me, the good and the bad. I ended up hugging Marjorie, I

know I startled her, but she hugged back.

"Take good care of his heart. He'll learn to love you, I promise."


Harry's POV

"She looks beautiful." Niall said staring at the sun as it sets.

"She'll always be beautiful and you know that." I said and smiled.

"I'm glad she's happy."

"Are you happy?" I just had the urge to ask, hoping he wouldn't get mad.

"I am, I think. Maybe not now, but soon."

There was an awkward silence between us. We both stared at the darkening sky,

the sun disappearing right before our eyes. As the stars began to twinkle, I bit

my lip and decided to break the silence.

"I'm proposing tonight." I whispered and looked down.

"What?! Are you serious?! I'm so happg for you, mate!!" Niall jumped and nearly

fell off the edge of the pond. He hugged me tight and tears started to fill my


"Thank you so much." I whispered and wiped my eyes.

Niall's huge grin faded, "Will you promise me one thing?"


"Don't hurt her, tell her she's beautiful everyday, call her when you're away,

tell her you love her, make sure she's safe, and the baby!!! Give him or her all

your love..."

"That's more than one thing, mate." I laughed, Niall turned red in

embarrassment, but I wouldn't blame him.

"I'll take good care of her, I promise you that." I squeezed his shoulder and

grinned. "Will you do something for me now?"

"Anything, mate."

"Be my best man?" Niall grin widely,

"I'd love to! Thank you so much."

"The road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same. Yet

our lessons come from the journey, not the destination." - Don Williams Jr.

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