Chapter 1

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"Niall, what do ya think?" His father raised a brow, snapping Niall out of a day dream. He had been thinking about the plans forming for his upcoming 18th birthday party.

"Pardon, what were ya discussing?" Niall bashfully asked, lowering his head to hide the small blush creeping its way onto his cheeks.

He meekly poked at the food placed on the plate in front of him with his metal utensils, venison, his favorite.

"A necklace for yer birthday? That way you could have something new and daisy to wear to yer wedding." His father suggested, earning a nod from his mother.

"Sounds dandy." Niall agreed, only half way paying attention. He was busy crafting structures from his potatoes anyways.

He didn't really need a necklace, he was already spoiled with everything he could ever want. The boy just agreed to get them off his back.

Niall felt as if his parents breathed down his neck every second, and it doesn't help when their breath smells horrendous.

He loved his parents, but sometimes they could be a little too much.

"Great, and have ya been thinking about anyone yet? I heard the Payne's have a gritty young fellow who's giddy on settling down." His mother beamed.

"Yea, yall always have a hog killin time together." Bobby added.

The Horan's and Payne's have always been great friends, they spend practically every holiday together.

Niall can remember one get together where the Mrs. Payne got a little too tipsy. They thought he was too young to remember, but he wasn't.

He snickered at the thought then quickly gathered himself together.

"I'm sure hes as fine as cream gravy but-"

"Then its settled." His father decided for him, cutting Niall off.

What Niall was really doing to say, was that he wanted to try something new. Someone new. This town was so boring, same people and same shops ever since he was young.

Don't get him wrong, he liked everyone but he felt suffocated in general.

His parents, his town, his potential husband. He wanted something new, and it was on its way


"Care for some? I looted some venison." Louis boasts, holding up his prized possession.

Zayn nodded, spitting out a piece of hay he was chewing on. Usually, he chews on hay when he's feeling stressed. Since the robbery was over and they outran the sheriff, he felt at ease again.

Zayn commands them to a near by tree to take shelter. They tied up their horses to the tree, both of the horses matching their owners.

Louis's had light brown fur with tufts of white lining the hooves. The mane was sandy as well as the tail.

Zayn's had a midnight black mane, fur and hooves. The tail however was light blonde, which was unusual.

Zayn didn't mind the flaw though, he saw it as a representation. One day he's going to match 100%. He's going to find his blonde in the black. The light in the dark.

Louis began unloading a pan and a knife. Then, he started to chop the meat into small 'rectangles' if one could call it that.

Zayn took out some twine and larger sticks to create a triangle stand for the pan to rest on. He then made a small fire out of dry grass and friction.

While the meat was cooking on the stand, Zayn decided to make small talk.

"Ya think its gonna pour?" Zayn asked, glancing at the sky for a prediction. If it did rain, they'd have to set up their makeshift, cow hide tent which nobody liked.

Since it wasn't a professional tent, it wasn't properly cleaned. Meaning they had to smell decomposing cow blood throughout the night.

"Hopefully not, but ya never know. Its wild out 'ere." Louis shrugged, tossing his head back while throwing a piece of meat in his mouth.

He still had blood on his hands from cutting the meat, so it transferred to his food. Louis grimaced at the iron taste and wiped his hands on his shorts to rid the problem.

Zayn on the other hand wasnt focused on eating, he had his head thrown back to look at the stars.

"Ya ever think we'll be able to see more? Go to the stars even one day?" Zayn ponders, soaking in the beauty of the galaxy.

Zayn sure wished so, he had big dreams and imaginative thoughts. He only shared them with Louis, the only person he trusted and had.

"It'd be dreadfully powerful, partner. But aliens could invade and kill us all." Louis pointed out, reaching back in his sack to reveal a piece of flap-jack.

Zayns eyes also popped out of his head when he saw the pastry. Flap-jack? Thats almost nonexistant in their world.

"I know!", Louis matched Zayn's excitement, "Want a piece?"He offered, to which the raven haired boy nodded.

Louis proceeded to give him about 1/3 of the piece, taking the rest for himself.

"Thanks," Zayn smiled, cradling the pastry in his hands like the most precious thing in the world "But ya took some of my share." He teased, pointing out that Louis had a bigger piece.

"Oh hush, ill work it off. Ill practice my favorite exercises, jumping to conclusions, pushing my luck, carrying things too far, flying off the handle and dodging responsibilities." Louis explained, using his hands to physically portray his words.

Zayn chuckled, shaking his head.

He was tired of the same thing. Steal ,run, leave. It was a constant cycle. He felt tied down to this life, for once he wanted to be free. He didn't want to be a yellow bellied outlaw, but he had to do what he had to do.

He wanted to be Zayn Malik, the gentleman who owns a shop and gives candy to small children. He didn't want to be Zayn Malik, the outlaw who's among the willows.

He decided he wanted change, something new, and it was on its way.

Did you like it?? I'm kinda excited!!

Also pros and cons of small boobs
Sleeping on stomach, getting away with no bra
Looking like a 12 year old boy, thinking you can wear no bra but actually need to. (May or May not have flashed a neighbor????)

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