Chapter 11

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lets just pretend i didn't take almost two months to update it, itll be our secret..shhhhh ;)


"Come on, Louis. Do it faster!" Zayn groans, throwing his head back in annoyance.

"Thats what the lady said," Louis smirks, looking up at Zayn's unamused face, "Ow, that hurt!"

"Thats nothing compared to what ill do if you don't finish up drying my clothes!" Zayn threatens, letting out a huff.

After the encounter with Liam, Zayn was left quite angry and annoyed. His clothes were already uncomfortable from when Niall threw water on him, but he didn't mind, he was always wet from Niall.

His muscles were tired from lugging a gigantic tub full of water back to the house, and when Zayn was placing the tub down, Louis scared him. That which made Zayn fall into the tub, but only his upper body. 

Zayn was pissed, he felt out of control. He needed a release, something to have power over.

"Louis, forget it. Im going out." Zayn's dry voice interrupted Louis whipping his shirt in the air.

"No, come on. I said im sorry! Look, i can even go faster like you want!" Louis whines, moving his arms quickly up and down while adding some puffs of air to help.

"Its fine, im going to get a new pair of clothes." Zayn explained, wringing out some drops of water from his pants.

He really did need some new clothes, his body bulged out of his old ones. Hell, it cut off his circulation.

"We don't have," Louis began, his voice slowly growing quieter as his eyes drift from the coins on the table to the empty hands of Zayn, "Grab me a pair?"

"Sure," Zayn nods, feeling better with just the thought of stealing, "Ill be back before dusk."

With those last final words, Zayn made his way out with a backpack.

He observed the houses and pondered which one would have the neatest clothes. He wanted to look his best for Niall.

Too many houses, they all look the same. All made from wood with either a porch or a fence. There is one house though, that he swore he saw Liam exit out of.

'Time to get my revenge', Zayn thought, smirking to himself before checking the area to make sure no witnesses shall be present.

He casually walks between the houses, making it seem like there was no target. His eyes scan the walls of the house for windows or unlocked doors, and too his luck, he finds and open window.

Zayn picks up a rock he finds on the floor and throws it against the wall to make sure no one was home. If someone was home, they would see what the noise was.

Zayn's confidence grows as he has no one greet him. He slips through the window and is met with fancy decorations and appliances. The house is much bigger and nicer than Zayn's.

He makes his way to the bedroom portion of the house and unlocks a chest that concealed Liam's clothing.

There were some nice, dark blue jeans and hyde vests which Zayn snagged. He picked up some extra accessories in the kitchen before heading out the window and made sure to lock the chest back up and leave the window open.

Once he arrived home, he instantly peeled off his damp clothes and dressed in the new ones he got.

He felt better, much more calm but much more guilty. What would Niall think?

"Oh honey, those hydes? What idiot did you steal from?" Louis raised a brow, eyeing the clothes.

"Liam." Zayn smugly states, picking up a vest and putting it on.

"That explains." Louis laughed, wearing the cow Hyde. Its not like he had anything better.

It was almost dusk from what they could see, the sun was almost kissing the plains and shinning a bright orange.

"Dont you think this might be a little too obvious? I can barely even fit these pants on." Louis comments, tugging at the jeans encased around his thighs.

"I guess so, we can wear our pants since those actually fit." Zayn agrees, pulling down the jeans and putting on his own pants.

"Zayn, i cant get these off." Louis whines, sitting on the floor and flopping like a fish. His legs fly in the air in different directions in an attempt to get the devilish jeans off.

"Come on, you're taking jeans off not break dancing." Zayn laughs pulling Louis to his feet.

"Whats break dancing?" Louis questions, turning his head to rest on his shoulder as Zayn gets behind him and pulls down.

"I honestly don't know, maybe a type of dancing in the future." Zayn shrugs, not even bothering to look up at Louis in case of catching a sight he doesn't wanna see.

"Okay im just gonna go for it." Zayn huffs, gripping the jeans and yanking his hardest, not bothering is he rips the jeans.

The door suddenly swings open, revealing a disgusted looking Liam.

"I came to collect my money, and now apparently my clothes. You rats sicken me." Liam fumes, shooting glares at the two boys.

"Liam, stop it. Just get your money." Niall advises, sending a small smile Zayn's way. 

Nialls eyes float upwards and truly capture the sight, to which his eyes lower to the ground. A small sting of jealously blossom in his heart, but he tries to shake off the feeling.

I have Liam, I have Liam, he repeats.

"Just a second." Zayn sighs, getting up and walking to the table where all thier money was stored and begins to count out the money.

"Come on, i don't have time to wait on you pigs. I have better places to be." Liam groans, watching as Zayn picks up the payment and drops it in Liam's hand.

It took all the willpower Zayn had to not throw the money in Liam's face.

Liam recounts the money in his hand, then shoves it in his pocket to spend at the pub later on.

"I'm keeping an eye on you rats." Liam hisses before turning on his heels and walking out.


well, the daycare i was working at closed so rip my money.

how can you make money online?

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