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I can do this Just breathe in and out. Hands stop shaking. Flowers; check. Chocolates; check. Speech cards; check. Ok, let's do this.
"Ahem. Hannah ?" I tap on her shoulder. She turns around.
"Adam. What's all this?" She says pointing to the flowers and chocolates." A small smile appears on her face.
"Adam, you shouldn't have." She tries to take the flowers in my hand but I kept my grip around them. She tugs them again.
"Adam, give me the flowers."
"Hannah, these aren't for you." I state slowly. Her smile falters.
"Oh, ok. Then who are they for?" Her voice comes out in almost a whisper.
"That's why I came here. I wanted to ask where Dana is." She narrows her eyes and points towards the fountain where Dana is throwing coins into the water.
I give her a small thanks and walk over to Sam.
She looks over to me.
"Hi, Adam. Who's the lucky girl, or guy I'm not closed minded." She says, referring to the chocolates and flowers.
I adjust my glasses take a deep breath.
Here we go. 
Sorry it took so long to update. I wrote half the story then I lost it for a period of time(I was to lazy to write it again) but then I found it and finished it. Yayy😄😄😄
P. S. If you get my reference, I like you slightly more than others.

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