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               ❝ I could be your perfect disaster. You could be my ever after. 


            The Summer break couldn't have come any sooner. Days had flown past like minutes, and weeks had passed like hours. For Bonnie Bennett, everything in her life was a hectic stage of transition. She had decided against college, despite Caroline and Elena's hopefull pleading, and had decided that she would travel. Though she left out the part that she wouldn't be travelling alone.
  "I'm really sorry, Bonnie," Elena sighed, and she cast a quick look over her shoulder at Damon who was, grumpily, packing the car with Elena's, and Caroline's suitcases. "I never wanted this to happen." 
  "It's alright," Bonnie reasured, and she reached out to touch Elena's arm. It was a gesture that showed that she wasn't mad or upset, and Elena smiled weakly. "I mean, it was going to happen sooner or later, right? Everyone in Mystic Falls ends up turning into a hideous monster of the night."
  "That's not funny," Caroline interrupted, and she hoisted her bag over her shoulders as she stood beside Elena.  "Most of us are not hideous, Bonnie Bennett. I take good care of myself and my body, in case you haven't noticed."
  "Right," Bonnie couldn't help but grin, and she tucked a piece of stray hair that escaped from her ponytail behind her ear. "Sorry, Caroline."
  "Are you sure you're going to be okay?" Caroline asked, and she took hold of Bonnie's hands. Bonnie glanced across at Elena, as if asking for help, but her brunette friend only smiled and shrugged.
  "I'll be fine," the newborn vampire nodded. "I mean, I have a soul and everything now, so I won't be tearing innocent people's throats out at random."
  "And somehow, that doesn't make me feel any better," Caroline sighed, but she pulled Bonnie in for a tight hug. "I promise that we'll call as soon as we get to Whittmore. Ugh, are you sure you won't come with us?"
  "I don't think that college is exactly my thing right now," Bonnie had to pry Caroline's arms off of her body, and she took a big step back. She hadn't wanted to do hugs or goodbyes, because she knew that after everything, it would only make it harder to leave. "But at least I have an eternity to go if I want to, right?"
  "Bonnie Bennett," Caroline sighed, and she took in a breath. It was uneven and jagged, and Bonnie just knew that the blonde vampire was only mere seconds away from bursting into tears, and if that happened, there was no knowing when it would stop. "You better buy me a butt-expensive necklace from France."
  Bonnie laughed.
  "I wouldn't have it any other way." She let out a small breath as she looked between her two friends, and at Damon who had stopped long enough to look at her. He looked away as soon as he caught Bonnie watching, but she had seen his face. He didn't want Bonnie to leave either, and somehow, that made Bonnie smile even harder. She pulled the coat tighter around her frame, and glanced up at the dark sky. She hadn't been able to get a daylight ring, since she hadn't been able to make one herself. 
  "Said your goodbyes?" Bonnie heard the voice from behind her when she had left her friend's presence, and she was thankful for that. She had specifically told him to wait until she was fully out of sight before he came to her. If any of her friends saw him, then there was no way in Hell that they would have let Bonnie leave. 
  "Yeah," Bonnie's voice was almost silent, and she turned around to face Kol Mikaelson. His hair was slack across his forehead, and his eyes almost glowed in the moonlight. He was wearing a black trenchcoat, similar to Bonnie's, and he pulled his hand out of his pocket to push his hair out of his eyes. "What about you?"
  "Me?" Kol's eyebrows raised in curiosity, but he dropped them seconds after as he walked towards Bonnie. His hands felt warm and soft against hers, and Bonnie felt herself relax. Mystic Falls didn't matter, what her friends thought didn't matter. She was with Kol, and Bonnie knew that he mattered. "I have no one to say goodbye to."
  She didn't argue with him. Bonnie knew that his family was a touchy subject, and so instead, she smiled up at him.
  "So, we're actually doing this?" 
  "We're doing this," Kol repeated and he glanced down at their entwined fingers. "And we really need to get you a pretty little ring to stop your pretty little self from perishing in the sun."
  "New Orleans then?" Bonnie questioned, and she froze as Kol pulled his hand away from Bonnie''s to trace his thumb over her lips. It left the skin feeling tingly and warm, and afterwards, Kol leant down to place a soft kiss against her lips. 
  "No," the original murmured against her mouth and he pulled away slightly. He fished into his jacket pocket and produced a small tiffany box. Bonnie felt her heart stop for a second, because she knew how it looked. Kol obviously knew how it looked too, because his eyebrows raised and he hurried to pull the lid off. The ring inside had a ribbed, silver band, and a bright, square-shaped, mauve coloured gemstone embossed on the top. Holding it between his thumb and index finger, Kol held it out for Bonnie, and she hesitantly took it. "I think we've visited New Orleans one too many times."
  "I hope that you're not proposing," Bonnie said after a long beat of complete silence. She tried her right hand, and the ring fit perfectly on the fourth finger from her thumb. "I don't think I'm ready for that type of commitment." 
  "It's a daylight ring," Kol explained, and he chose to ignore everything Bonnie had just said about marriage. "It belonged to my mother. I may or may not have stolen it from Rebekah."
  Bonnie stopped admiring the gemstone on her finger to stare up at Kol. "She isn't going to kill me for wearing this, is she?"
  "She'll hardly notice that it's gone."
  "If I die because of you - again," Bonnie pointed a finger at Kol and playfully jabbed his chest. He didn't even budge, but the corners of his lips twitched up into the ghost of a smile. "I am going to haunt you from the other side, and I swear to God that I will not leave until I drive you insane."
  "You've already driven me to insanity." Kol's voice was low, and Bonnie waited a few moments for him to continue speaking, but he never did. Her eyebrows furrowed, and she smiled a little. 
  "Don't you go sappy on me. That's not the Kol Mikaelson that I -"
  The newborn vampire's words were cut off as Original pressed his lips against hers. Bonnie let the tiffany box fall to the floor, and she let her hands wrap around Kol's arms. She could feel his biceps flex and contract, and Bonnie got the idea that he was doing it purposely to impress her. Bonnie felt the heat from Kol's skin radiate from his body as he pressed himself closer to her, and she moved her hands up to grip onto the collar of his coat. It had taken her a moment to realise, but the ex-witch finally breathed in the scent of Kol's Axe cologne. Oh, how she loved that smell. Bonnie let out a breath, and this time, she was the one to pull away. She rested her forehead against his, and the two of them stood silently; listening to the sound of each other's breathing. 
  Bonnie Bennett was finally completely, and utterly happy.
  "I'm in love with you, Bonnie Bennett." Kol admitted almost silently.
  She felt her stomach flip, and she closed her eyes as she grinned. "And I'm in love with you. Kol Mikaelson."
  "Where to first?" Kol asked her after several moments of silence, and when Bonnie opened her eyes, she could see him already looking down at her. 
  "I don't know," Bonnie said, and she smiled at him. "Surprise me?" 
  Kol's lips turned up into a rascally smile, and he said, "as you wish, darling."

                                     Hey guys, I really hope that this was okay for you. I know that it isn't much, but I'm hoping that it sums up everything that you all want to know. I enjoyed writing this sequel, and I hope that you all did too.
                                      I want to give out a special thank you to all those who took the time to comment and vote for this story. It might not seem like much, but I swear to you that it means the world to authors. If it weren't for you, I would have cancelled this book long ago. 
                                      Thank you all for sticking by me, and thank you for taking the time to read Captured Hearts: Liaison. x

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