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the planning of this chapter is above and now they are telling me to write "steamy makeout session" and "all the blowjobs"

Inside the school gymnasium, there was an abundance of colorful lights and loud voices. Finn slowly untangled his fingers from Noah's, to keep the whole no-homo thing believable.
"Fuck-Millie, we need to tell her that you aren't out!" He quickly whispered, shakily grabbing his phone and typing. Before hitting send, Gaten and Caleb arrived.
"Ok everyone stop screaming about my sexuality please." Finn cut them off, obviously worried about Noah's comfort. "I'm not out yet..." The smaller boy mumbled quietly, hoping no one could hear any of this conversation.
"Oh dang..I'm sorry" Gaten trailed off, eyed widened.

After the first three songs, Millie and Sadie arrived. Well, not arrived, but entered. They had been waiting outside until they could hear a good entrance song. Immediately, upon hearing Don't You blasting over the speakers. The six friends exchanged giggles throughout the night, but also chuckles when Gaten tried to drink out of the punch bowl hoping no one would notice.

Finally the dance ended, and people rushed to grab their coats and exit. Finn and Noah were the first out, as neither of them, regrettably, wore a coat. Millie exited with them, sticking her tongue out at them as she put her denim jacket on.
"Can you two be homo again because it makes me uncomfortable seeing Finn acting like he did for the first three years of our friendship." Finn rolled his eyes at her, while balancing himself on his bike.
"Millie are you gay because you seem to be projecting through me..." Finn joked, looking over at Noah. Damn he wanted to kiss that boy again, but not like the first time. He didn't want a sloppy peck, he wanted a real kiss. And he had a real plan to get it.

They peddled fast to get home, the sharp wind feeling 100x more frigid. After about ten minutes of riding they were at Finn's house. "Do you wanna stay here?" Finn asked, and Noah smiled. "Yes, if that'd be ok! It'd probably look weird to my parents if I came home without my 'girlfriend'.".
"Sure it's okay! Just stay try not to go near my parents much, not the nicest people..." Finn trailed off, opening his front door. They walked to Finn's room, or more-like Finn walked to his room with Noah awkwardly following. "Welcome to my humble abode..." he trailed off, sitting on his bed.
A few minutes passed when Finn noticed Noah messing with his shirt cuffs. Then he realized, "Cuff links? Seriously dude?"
"Shut up man! I wanted to be formal!"
"Here..." he helped the other boy get the cuff links off. "There."

Their faces were centimeters apart, both looking into each other's eyes. Finn's eyes moved down, lingering on Noah's lips, his doing the same.
Then Finn got what he had wanted and planned on getting, another kiss.

The last one was only a peck, quick, sad, rough, and over as soon as it started. This one was different. It was soft, and warm. Noah breathed in the scent of faded cologne and sweat. Their lips fit perfectly together, different tastes than the last. The taste of fruit punch, pizza, and whatever other junk food they had eaten mixed together.
But Finn forgot he had bubblegum in his mouth.
And they separated because Noah was laughing too hard at the fact that Finn accidentally blew a bubble into his mouth.

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