Everything Just Takes Me Back (3)

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Adele's POV

I'm so grateful that Jess got that Sarah to leave, I couldn't sit here, just knowing that the one who took Simon's heart away from me is in my house, the house that was once mine and Simon's, it would kill me.

Whilst we ate dinner, talk about how Jess and Chris met, Chris's family and uni for them both in general consumed the table. I swear once when we were all talking I felt Simon's hand lay on my leg, I just ignored it thinking that my imagination was playing tricks on me. I was shocked when I felt the hand removed from my leg shortly before Simon started eating again. Maybe it was an accident? It's not really worth bringing it now, ruining all this day for Jess.

I took all the plates and made my way to the kitchen to get more wine and desert. I notice once I had made my way into the kitchen that Jess had followed me.

"I thought I'd let them have a bit of time together so they can talk man to man", she let of a little cackle only to louder it when I start laughing too. "Sooo.... Mum? What do you think of Chris?" my daughter curiously asked.

"He brought me a bottle of fucking wine I'm sold on the idea of you being together" she couldn't help but giggle at my response. "Na I'm joking, but that helped though, he is really nice and I am so happy that you found someone that makes you so happy, it makes me really happy seeing you happy", I said pulling Jess into my embrace for a tight hug.

"I'm sorry if I have made it a bit uncomfortable by inviting Dad, I hope you understand why I didn't want to take Chris round Dads though, it's nice seeing you catch up again though. Thank you Mummy for doing all this for me!!"

"Honestly Jess your Dad is really not a problem, I completely understand why you don't want Chris to meet Sarah, she's not a very polite person and I hope you know darling that I will do anything for you" I said when Jess wiggled out of my embrace with a beaming smile on her face.

"I better now go save Chris from Dad" Jess expressed cackling loudly out of the room. Not long after she left Simon came into the room.

"Hello Adele, how are you, I hope that your well?"

"Simon is this some kind of a joke really? Let's not ruin tonight for Jess, she is so happy right now and I'd hate to have us ruin it," I spoke up in a serious manner, he just had that tone in his voice that he wasn't just asking how I was, now really wasn't the time for us to be arguing.

"Well I need to ask you something, could I please stay in the spare room tonight, Sarah messaged me and said she was going to her parents and I left my spare key at home, I can then help Jess with her thing before I need to go to work?" he apprehensively asked.

I sighed not knowing what to say. My heart was saying yes but my mind was saying no. I needed to stay strong. I wouldn't be able to sleep properly knowing the love of my life was under my roof but wasn't mine. Then again could I really sleep before knowing he is not. Eventually my mind gave into my heart.

"Okay, only for Jess though".

Simon's POV

I took a sign of relief. Before I made my way back to the dining room, I grabbed the bottle of wine and half of the deserts so Adele wouldn't have to make two trips.

In my half drunken state, I couldn't help but do what was a habit and touch her thigh again. It still felt the same as the first time I did it in 2011. Why did I let her go?
Why did I let someone who trusted me go?
Why did I let the one person in the world who is perfect go?

I threw my whole life away and let it go and I will never forgive myself.

I must have stopped engulfed in my thoughts because I heard someone shout my name.

"Siiiiimmmmon, hellllloooo, Earth to Simon Konecki" Adele giggled waving her hand in front of my face.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Adele, I'm now following you, not like I need to I used to live here," I whispered the last bit because I didn't really want her to hear. However, she must of because her sweet sounding giggle instantly stopped after I had finished talking.

"Welcome back Dad nice to see you again," Jess said heavily laughing at me rushing into the room. All 4 of us were now in stitches. Man I feel stupid now. Well enjoy this why it lasts Simon. Why did I have to lock her out when she let you in?


Jess's POV

Chris has left and everywhere is somewhat quiet except I can hear dad moving around, man he really can not get to sleep, I know exactly why.

He wants to sleep with mum by his side. It's now going on to two 2 A.M. I can tell whenever Mum is in her car and passes Dad's street, the memories start, she whispers to herself that it was in the past. She tells herself she has to move on. She keeps driving straight ahead, you'd think Mum would hate Dad now because she still don't know what she never said to make him not love her. She still doesn't know what she did...

Mum wishes Dad would come back, she wishes that she never hung up the phone like she always did. She wished Dad knew that. I know that Mum will never forget the time together her and Dad had as long as she lives.

And I wish they were right there together, right now, like it's all good.

When Mum is in my room and headlights pass the window pane she always hopes that it's Dad coming home, she tells me always now when she gets drunk, now she has had her baby (saying that she's not so little anymore), Maisie Elizabeth Rose Konecki.

She says she wants run and hide but the realisation she has responsibility makes her turn right back around.

I wish they could go back and remember what they were fighting for. Mum misses Dad too much to be mad anymore. I bet now she wishes Dad was right in her bed hugging her like it's all good.

They always knew how to push each others buttons, they gave each other everything and nothing. This mad, mad love that Mum has for Dad is always there. But all she does is stand back whilst her heart breaks, even more, every single day.

This mad, mad love makes Dad want to go rushing into Mums room right here right now. But he has to stay where he is.

For now anyway...

Adele Please I Need Your HelpWhere stories live. Discover now