Shower Me With Words Made Of Knives (11)

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(3 days later - Tuesday 9th April 2024)

Jess's POV

I went for a scan yesterday with Mum and it turns out I've just turned 14 weeks pregnant, I've invited my friends around to tell them the news; I really wish Mum was not doing work things all of the rest of this week when Angelo and Maisie where at school but I guess, it is what it is. I still don't know where the fuck Chris is, I've tried everything and it's beginning to stress me out.

I called his parents, friends and they don't know where he is, it's like he's disappeared off of the face of the earth. I went round his yesterday and there was no sign of him; the house was for sale. I'm scared, stressed and pregnant, not a good combination. The door bell then rang.

I open the door to everyone I was expecting: Alex, Ashlyn, Ash, Rose and Katie. We all go and sit on the sofa but I dare say they're all so curious to know why I've gotten them all here.

"Sooo. I know you maybe wondering why I want you all here, wellllll you see I'm 14 weeks pregnant," I say pulling out the scan picture and holding so they could all see. Everyone instantly smiled and came over to hug me, apart from Alex. However, Ashlyn is the complete other side of the spectrum to Alex, she is running around the room so excited because she loves babies so much, honestly I feel like she's going to love my little angel a lot. Obviously not as much as me but she loves any babies so damn much, she hugs me before continuing to jump up and down. All of a sudden Alex shot up to her feet.

"Why the fuck isn't Chris here, Jess? Oh. Oh yeah, I know. I bet it is because that thing isn't his? It is, is it? Honestly I can't fucking believe you. You slut. You are such a fucking whore. I question why and how Adele puts up with you being a hoe and how many different men you bring home. That's exactly why Chris isn't here, you don't what him to know that this baby is his. THAT is why Adele isn't here, isn't it? Because you don't want your poor little famous Mummy knowing that you can't stay faithful to your boyfriend. You were going to lie to her, get all of us to back you up so you look so fucking perfect and innocent to your Mummy." She said getting closer and closer to me, every word hurting and tearing me apart. I see on everyone's face their a look of confusion, unsure whether they should believe the utter lies that Alex just expressed.

"Whoah, whoah, what the fuck is your problem Alex?" Ash confronts her.

"I just thought everyone need to know what a little cheating hoe that is over their," Alex finishes. I feel eyes on me I was unable to say anything because I was in complete hysterics. "See she can't even open her mouth to defend herself."

"I know for a fact Jess would not do that, so please tell me who you got this information from because it's completely bloody false," Ashlyn chimes in.

"Seriously what the fuck are you getting at?" Rose asks Alex, Katie and Ashlyn are now next to me hugging me. "What do you even want her to say when she's completely innocent?" Rose continues.

"Please though, innocent my ass, so explain why Chris ISN'T HERE. JESS, WHY THE FUCK IS CHRIS NOT HERE."

"Bbbb-beca-ause h-hh-he isn't picki-img up his phone. H-he h-ha-sn't been for the past few days." I manage to get out through my cascades of tears.

"At least he had some sense making a runner before he got wrapped up in a child that isn't his, having to proved for a child that isn't his," Alex hastily responds.

"You know what Alex, Jess really shouldn't have to prove who the fucking father of her baby is because IT IS Chris. I don't know what your problem is all of a sudden but I think you should shut the fuck up. Leave and don't bring your shitty ass anywhere back near Jess," Ash shouts pulling Alex out of my face.

"My problem you want to know my problem, I'm trying to get why you're trusting this lying bitch!" Alex screams back.

For a good 5 minutes Alex is shouting it out against Ash and Rose only metres away from me meanwhile, Ashlyn and Katie are trying the best to keep me calm for the babies sake. Ashlyn wouldn't ever forgive herself if something happened to the baby because of stress and she didn't try do anything.

"LEAVE ALEX!" all of a sudden Ash and Rose raise their voice in unison causing me to look up at the situation in front of me.

"Why should I? It's not your house."

As my eyes were opening from me blinking, it seemed almost slow motion, Ash's balled up fist heading straight towards Alex's face.

"Yeah, it may not be my house Alex, but at least I don't doubt the father of my friends baby," Ash said as her hand collided with Alex face. That was the last noise before the room fell to pure silence, the next noise was that of Alex's body dropping to the floor.

"Damn..." was the only word that echoed around he room from Katie's mouth. "What do we do now?" The front door gently closed, only moments later for Mum to appear at the door way.

Adele's POV

"What the fuck?" I muttered focusing my eyes mainly of Ash's hand what was splattered with blood and Alex's bloody face that luckily had landed on the rug situated in the middle of room.

"Mummmmm," Jess coughed out though her tears, launching herself at me. I have a pretty good idea of what has gone here, just not the exact reasons why.

"Alex I think you should leave." I say, pointing to the front door.

She leaves straight away.

"Let's get you cleaned up Ash, I'll get something to drink for the rest of you," I usher Ash into the kitchen and begin running the tap. It comes apparent that Ash herself isn't actually bleeding, which I was grateful for because it saves me having to find the medical kit or, take her to A&E. I try my best to hurry up so I can make sure my baby is okay.

I order pizza for lunch and we have the chocolate cake that I brought for everyone to have when I got back from the studio, I managed to leave a couple of hours early because I finished quickly, which turned out to be lucky really. Goodness knows what would of went of if I wasn't here to make Alex leave.

"I'm gonna have to go for a bit to get the little ones from sch-" I stop mid sentence looking at the message I had just revived from my management. I open so I can see the web attachment, it's a news article.

~~Adele punches a woman in fears that she would release the real father of her daughters baby.~~

"What the actual fuck." I question dropping my phone in the process.

Lying little bitch!

Adele Please I Need Your HelpWhere stories live. Discover now