24- Tied Up and Drugged Out

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There is a sweet metallic poignant smell impregnating the air I breathe. The scent is mixed with a stifling aroma of intestinal juices infused with a mushy wet version of what was had for breakfast.
In this room, this room that I happen to accommodate, a room without any windows, a room with cobwebs in every corner, a room with small fragments of cloth ripped apart in shreds, this room that I am in - smells like fear if not death as well.

I should be reporting to the boss that the mission went as planned and Kashif Amar's corpse was ready to be collected, but things didn't end the way I expected. Here I sit in this basement with my hand tied to my back and the pungent smell of vomit, about to suffocate me.

The sound of a faint whimper is heard coming from behind me. I force myself to turn despite the building fear that happens to be eroding my chest.

It's a woman.

But that didn't quite surprise me. She's probably another woman who got recruited into the 'modeling agency' that Kashif Amar is using to pick up women to traffic. What surprises me is the state she is. Her blood stained blouse, her ruffled hair and her distraught almost lifeless face.

"Please help me." She sheds tears.

I would help you woman but you see, my hands are tied tightly behind my back and my partner Leo is no where in sight. How we got separated is a question worth asking. How did I end up in this position is another question worth asking.

I'm suppose be this badass assassin right?
So how on earth did I end up in this confined position...tied up and drugged out.

Well starting a couple hours back...

Zane dropped me off at the house the day after Christmas where I was faced with my rather pissed off boss.

"I am here to report Kashif Amar's new location. Twenty more women have gone missing since I gave you two this mission. How many more women are you waiting to be sold off before you get the job done!"

I flinch at his outburst and glance at Leo beside me, hoping he would answer the angry overweight man. Because if I do open my mouth, he would end up with a bullet in his head.

"We apologize for the hold out sir. We will get the job done right away." Leo replies sternly.

"Don't bother. I've given the job to Blake and Jax. They are my two best agents and they have yet to fail me."

I receive a boastful smirk from Blake who is standing at a distance behind the boss. Jax on the otherhand is sporting an annoyed expression.

"That assignment is ours and you know it!" I snap. "There is no way i'm giving it to asian boy over there."

"If you were serious about it, Kashif Amar would be dead by now but instead you're conoodling with some man playing house. My agents are not allowed to have relationships with outsiders not even insiders because it interferes with their job," the boss retorts.

I fold my arms and bite my tongue. I need to get ahold of myself before I rip his head off.

"Sir please allow us one more chance to get the job done. I promise you won't be disappointed," Leo takes over.

"I'm assigning Blake and Jax and thats final. You two may accompany them since its a rather big task but i'm putting Jax in charge. So Ms Day don't go around bossing anyone around pretending you're the best because right now you're a disappointment."

"Fuck you," I mumur quietly.

"I heard that and I don't give a damn if you hate me. I rather prefer it that way," he turns to Jax who's drinking a bottle of water. "I leave it to you."

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