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(I'm unsure if you can see chapter one, I believe it's on private for reasons i'm currently unsure of. If it is, mind letting me know? I'll be sure to fix it.)

After we made and ate dinner, something was wrong. After we all showered ad brushed our hair and teeth I felt sick. Even hours after daddy kisses us all on the forehead good night and shuts off the lights, shutting the door behind him, something did not feel right. I pull back the curtain and stare out the window, watching the moon. I try to count the stars and sight the constellations, but I feel like I was in a dream, a life that wasn't mine. I feel like I'm stealing happiness that should belong to someone else, not me. Like my parents are going to knock on the door and take me away, laughing because I thought, for a second, I could be happy.

"You still awake?" Daddy's voice, now thicker and deeper with exhaustion, calls, and I hum, placing my fingers on the cool glass. Daddy walks into the room and shuts the curtain, grabbing my hand and lacing our fingers, pulling me out of the room and down the hall "My room" he whispers, turning the doorknob and opening the door, leading me inside.

I hear the little click of the door closing and he sight of Daddy's room makes me smile. The walls were lined with bookshelves full of books and posters of outer space and planets. Large windows with the curtains back and the stars and moon on full view, as well as a balcony. The windows seemed to give off a soft blue glow around the room. The cherry red paint of the room and the soft brown carpet seemed to give off a library-ish vibe, and I bite my lip form grinning too big. A beanbag and small love seat sit in one corner of the room, and a desk and chair in the other. 

"You like it?" Daddy sits on his bed, his eyes seeming to sparkle. I smile a huge, most likely dorky, smile. 

"All these books!" I whisper, walking closer to one of the bookshelves, my eye catching on a book titled 'Above Earth' I run my finger along the spine longingly 

"You can borrow it, if you'd like. I trust you not to ruin it" he says, watching me with something like adoration. I nod and head towards Daddy's desk and taking out a Post-it and a pen, writing the name of the book and date I took it out. I rush back over to the book and carefully slip it out of it's place. Where the book once was, I place the post it and turn around to grin at Daddy, who looks like he was going to hug me "I truly admire your organization, but are you really going to just stand there? I won't bite"

I blush and lie down next to Daddy, opening the book in front of me. I gasp. The margins of the books were filled with Daddy's handwriting.

"I tend to write in the books, it helps get across my thinking"  he explains "If you'd like, you can borrow a pen and write or respond to whatever's in there. It might feel odd at first, but it helps"

I nod and look over at Daddy, who was watching me "Do you always let people borrow your books?"

Daddy laughs "No, never. I don't usually let people in my room at all. Only Hazel, and you. You're  different."

I nod and grab a pen from Daddy's nightstand. It was Metallic blue. I find myself getting lost in the book, and writing in the margins kind of interesting. I eventually let out a yawn and Daddy gently takes the pen in my hand and a bookmark from the back of the book, marking my page.

"You should sleep" He says, putting the book and pen on his nightstand and wraps his arm around me, pulling me closer to him 

"You need sleep, too" I murmur, my heart doing tired little flips in my chest "What about you?"

Daddy kisses my forehead "No,baby, I don't sleep well. Usually I have you all make breakfast just for you guys. After we eat I just go back to bed"

I yawn again and bury my face into his chest, my eyes closing. I dream that I was reading on the moon, and I was able to see all the planets and stars. Daddy was there, too. He reached up and grabbed a star, handing it to me. It was a gift. A gift of happiness and peace. A gift of rest.


I wake up to a slight and urgent knocking at the door, Daddy was sleeping peacefully. I grab the book and pen Daddy gave me and open the door a crack, and sigh in relief when I see James. He grabs my wrist and pulls me out, shutting Daddy's room door softly. "I covered for you when Hazel asked your location. Said you were in the bathroom, showering" He takes my book and pen from me and throws me a towel, winking "Shower now, I'll put this under your pillow, alright? Oh and by the way, you need to tell me everything. And I mean everything" I roll my eyes and James points me to the bathroom where I quickly shower, my blonde hair still kinda wet when I get out. I go to the room and grab underwear, black shorts and a dark purple T-shirt that has a flower design, and of to my utter amazement, another pair of knee length black socks.

I run downstairs into the kitchen and help set the table. A red headed girl comes and sets a huge plate of omelettes on one huge serving tray, and a batch of blueberry muffins on the other. I go into the kitchen to grab the pitcher of orange juice and then rush back out, placing it on the table, where everyone was now talking and sitting and eating. I sat in the one available seat, next to Daddy. Hazel was on his right, and me on his left. Daddy clears his throat an everyone quiets at once.

"I'd like to welcome Francis to the house" he smiles, looking at me. I blush and look down as everyone but Hazel beams at me. The word family flashes in my head, and I feel guilty. I shouldn't like it here already. But I do, I really do.

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