Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Waking up without an alarm can be hard however when you are on constant alert you never really sleep. With the pounding footsteps of my guardian hitting the old floorboards I keep still with my eyes closed. Keeping a steady breath as they move closer to the door of the room I am in, I pull a sleeping Ruby closer to me. I snuggle into her, patiently waiting for the footsteps to sound further away. Today I am one lucky duck as I hear the footsteps begin to fade further from the house. My life revolves around almost fear, but it’s the fear that Uncle will take Ruby when I’m asleep.

With Uncle gone it means that it’s four am, he starts work at six and it’s a two hour drive in. I have two hours to be dressed and ready, along with Ruby before we head off to school. I have no car so we walk the hour to and from school, I don’t care or anything –I’ve become accustomed to it. With the harsh sound of the shit box of a car that he owns starts up, I sigh lightly in relief since it’s a safe day to make actual food for Ruby.

Keeping my breathing steady I continue to wait patiently for the car to pull out from the driveway. My ears open I finally hear the car begin to pull from the driveway and onto the dirt road. With an ear piercing screech from the tires I know that I am safe this morning. Slowly pulling myself from Ruby’s tiny sleeping frame, I make sure to cover the spot I was cuddled into so she is sure not to wake. When on my feet I hiss out any profanities when I feel my knee click from its spot rather painfully. Waiting for a moment I sharply move my leg back in order to click it back into place, with that completed I with a rather painful looking limp hurry to the adjoined bathroom.

Once inside the bathroom, I glance around at its layout. With white tilled walls and white tiled floors it is rather bland, a simple bath with a shower on top to the right of the door. Straight in front there is a plain white toilet, and then to your left is a plain white sink with a cracked mirror. Walking up to the mirror I set my hands on the sides of the basin, using it as leverage I take a look at my face. With a budding purple and slightly bloody bruise along my high cheek bones, and dried blood by my lips. I heave a sigh, shaking my head I begin to strip down into nothing. From there I examine the full damage that was done last night. I have bruises covering the majority of my body, purple, yellow and blue. I have cuts and scaring. Feeling the sting of tears I shake my head before I turn towards the shower. Simply turning on the shower I glance down as the tears begin to drip from my eyes. Stepping under the water, now warm after a few moments I let it all go. I let myself cry in the anguish and agony I have to live through because of my Guardian.

Sobbing into the warm water making puddles at my feet, I slowly begin to collect myself. I feel every piece of my entire being pull itself forcibly together, temporarily that is. With light taps at the bathroom door I heave myself back into one, responding almost immediately. “Yes Ruby?”

“I heard you crying DeDe” she sniffles, I find myself wanting to shatter again at her voice.

“I’m just tired Rubes, go back to bed” I coo, hiding the fact that I was crying out of agony. Listening to the light footsteps of hers retreat back to the bed. With her in safe distance I release those agonizing sobs that ricochet off my chest.

Heading down the cracked grey pavement of Hollow Drive hand in hand with Ruby, we walk in absolute silence towards her school. Hollow Primary, a shit-hole to be exact however the Primary isn’t as bad as the high school. Approaching the primary school I give Ruby a quick kiss on the forehead, in her response she gives me a smile and wave before skipping along to the gates. I have never once examined the school, never wanted to so with the crown of my head lowered towards the ground I walk along the grey asphalt, I look at my shaky hands with my delicate fingers, the sleeves of my black jumper have moved up my arm slightly from the movement. 

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