Chapter Three - A Surprise Visit

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I know the last chapter might have been a little boring but if you didn't read it then you need to. Its kinda important so that you understand what's going on. But this one has some action so don't worry! And I don't think there will be another boring chapter so you don't have to worry.

#Family isn't always blood. Its the people in your life who want you in theirs; the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what.


---A Surprise Visit---

Isn't it just the worst when you open the fridge and there's food? I'm extremely hungry at this point, my stomach had been letting off grumbles and groans for the past few hours and finally, after deciding to not be such a lazy person, I got off my arse and went to look for a source of food. To my utter disappointment, there was not a single thing that seemed even remotely edible in my fridge. The cupboards were bare for reasons I cannot explain and as I stood there, my eyes wide with shock as my stomach let out another painful grumble. The message it sent was clear and with a sigh, I closed the fridge and leaned against it.

The day had turned into something where you would just stay at home and do nothing. Grey, shapeless clouds had covered  up the morning blue sky, blocking out the friendly sun that was just peaking over the horizon. The clouds varied in colours from a pearly white to a dark grey. It seemed to hang menacingly over my house, its loud claps of thunder telling me that it was heavy with rain and ready to let rip. The air had turned cool and a fog had crept its way up my street, enveloping nearby buildings with white, tentacle like arms that snaked around every corner. It seemed as if the sun was in no mood to shine as I glanced out of the window.

Suddenly there was a loud noise and I scrambled to my feet , instantly recognising the ringtone of my phone as I rushed towards my bedroom with a huge grin and a body that hummed in excitement. I swept my phone off the table and landed on my stomach on my bed as I answered the phone with a breathless voice.

"Hello?" I couldn't keep the joy out of my voice, a squeal from both ends happened and soon I was jumping with joy and so was the voice on the other end of the line.

"What's it been? Only forever? I thought that maybe you had forgotten me or something. I phoned Flowers to check up on you but of course! Why would he tell me? I know its protocall and whatnot by still." I could imagine her pouting at this point as she regained her breath. "I thought you had gone MIA on me! Missing! What would I do without you?" She cried out and silence followed so I took the chance of that glorious moment.

"Well protocall is protocall. No matter who you are. I don't think Flowers would even tell me anything if I even had the guts to ask." I chuckled humorously as I pushed a pillow under my stomach. "And I've never gone MIA on a mission before so why would I start now? Rhetorical question." I added. I knew her well enough to even answer questions that had no answers. "Plus it is interesting to know that you have so much faith in me. I'm so happy that you care for me with that tiny little heart of yours but please, keep the love to a minimum. There's only so much a girl can take." I gushed out in a sarcastic voice.

At least she'll know what that is!

We giggled at the same time , like Siamese twins when she told a dry joke that I had barely heard. It had started to rain now, heavy drops running down the window at an incredible speed as the clouds released its contents.

"Glad to know you love me too." She mumbled and I let out a laugh as I got off my bed, holding my phone between my ear and my shoulder as I made my way down stairs to close some windows.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2014 ⏰

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