Chapter Two - A Knight In Shining Armour

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This is basically where the two main characters meet and you'll see what effect they have on each other which will carry out throughout this story. Another important character comes in too.

#Family isn't always blood. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs; the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what.


---A Knight In Shining Armour---

I sat up with a loud gasp. It flew from my mouth like a dry joke as I tried to gulp in some air. My throat burned. Every time I sucked in some air, it would scrape across my paper throat, causing me to wince. I put a hand on my sweaty forehead, feeling the droplets roll of my forehead and down my cheeks were it crawled down my neck. The skin was hot to touch and I took my hand away almost instantly.

I licked my dry lips, feeling the cuts and indents on my bottom lip as I did so. My tongue felt heavy inside my mouth and my eyes burned. My eyelids were drooping and with as much effort as I could muster, I kept them open and crawled off the bed. I fell to the floor with a loud bang, the sheets tangling themselves around my legs as I lay on my back, panting heavily.

My intial thoughts were of a blue-eyed boy when I fell asleep. I had been dreaming about him, that I was certain of. In my dream I had kissed him. The kiss had woken up even fibre in my body, setting my skin on fire as his hands caressed my body. That dream was long gone now.

As I lay there, on my bedroom floor, with lips parted and sweat riveting down my forehead, I told myself that I would make an effort with the people I cared about. I hadn't seen Jaycee in three months and it was taking a toll on me. I needed my bestfriend because she was always there for me and she always knew what I was going through. I wanted to call her and demand that she come here so I could see her.

I kicked and kicked until the sheets were free of my legs. Then with one big heave I sat up, letting my chin touch my chest and my arms fall limply to my side. I stood up on shaky legs, my vision was blurred as my hands stretched out in front of me, seeking my phone.

I tripped and a scream left my mouth as I put my hands out in front of me. My palms slammed into the floor, my body following. I let out a cry of pain as my hip bounced off the floor and my cheek grazed the floor. I didn't know what was wrong with me but I sure didn't like it. I refused to move. My only thought was that I had became sick over night from an unknown cause.

I don't know how long I lay there but I don't think it was long before I heard my bedroom door open. I let out a whimper, hoping that the intruder would just take what it wanted and leave. I had no energy in me to fight off someone. So instead, I lay there, curling myself into a ball and letting silent, hot tears fall down my cheeks as I listened to the intruder approach me.

They stopped right in front of me and I open one eye that seemed to have glued itself shut. One very blurred combat boot came into view and I squeezed my eyes shut almost imdiatley. What if they kicked my face. They'd smashed my nose into my skull and pop my eyes into a jelly, making me unrecognisable to anybody who would have found me.

"Please don't hurt me." I whimpered out and curled myself into a tighter ball. I knew that it was no use to say something like that, but I had to try. The figure crouched down and I felt a sob rack through my body.

"Its going to be okay." The voice was deep and husky and a gentle hand was placed on my forehead. The contact stung and I pulled away sharply, biting hard on my lip to make sure that no sound escaped me. "You're burning up," The voice whispered and I could only numbly nod my head. "Come on."

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