Chapter 43

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YaY ! New Cover !!!


Holy's POV

I stared at his wrists in disbelief . I gently moved my thumb across the thin lines , hoping i was imagining . Hoping i was crazy and that i was hallucinating . But i wasn't . I could feel them. That's why he wore bracelets all the time . He was hiding his scars .

My Harry cuts. Or at least used to . That's his big secret ! He was insecure . Or something like that .

Suddenly , he snatched his arm away from me . Guess he's not day dreaming anymore .

I looked up at him horrified .

" where are my bracelets ? Why did you take them off ?" He whispered angrily .

" you weren't wearing them at all Harry " i answered still shocked.

" you're lying " he accused through clenched teeth .

Then He shot up from his seat and hastily left the restaurant . and now everyone stared at me .

" what happened ?" Questioned Louis concerned .

" i discovered what his big secret is" i answered calmly .

"He told you ?" Continued Liam surprised .

" no . He forgot to wear his bracelets so i saw his scars" i answered tears slicing my cheeks .

" we told him you'd figure it out sooner or later " commented Liam .

"But that's not the whole story ."

" shut up Liam " yelled Louis .

" There's no sense in hiding it from her any longer . She has to know guys . " explained Liam . " Listen Holly , Harry was born with chronic depression and fought for years to resist self-harm , for a while he began to develop confidence and self esteem and he was perfectly fine . And the voices in his head , as he had said , seemed to had disappeared , but then he met you , and he fell in love . It was love at first sight as he had described it , but with you came back the voices and the insecurities so he tried to avoid you . And yet , everywhere he turned you were there , the street , the alley , near the mall . And he couldn't ignore you , especially when you were being threatened with a gun . You're his destiny , at least that's what he thinks and to be honest we all agree . Anyway , the voices came back and became stronger when you agreed to be his girlfriend . He grew paranoid , always worrying that he might lose you . He can't control his anger anymore nor his insecurities and the voices in his head are guiding him to think the worst every time he's upset . That's why we don't Angry at him despite everything he's done . We know he can't help it and that he needs our support . So please , you have to be patient with him and don't get upset , he wouldn't be acting or feeling this way if he didn't love you tremendously . He never means to hurt you , he just can't control what he says . Do you understand ?"

Everyone looked at me askance . And i was just crying . Harry is suffering because of me and i'm constantly complaining . I'm such a brat !

" you're not a brat , you're lovely " said Zayn .

" what ?! " i looked at him shocked .

" you were thinking out loud without noticing it" explained Louis .

" oh " i said and got up and started my way to the exit .

"Where are you going ?" Asked Liam but i didn't answer .

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