They never got together- Tris and Tobias

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I smile as I wake up in my new apartment, I have now been in the dauntless compound for 2 years. I have the best job, dauntless leader and the best apartment because I came first in the leaderboard. I'm still great friends with Chris, Will, Uriah, Marlene, Lynn and Al. Chris and Will are still a cute couple even now, Chris always try the set me up on blind dates but the thing is I just don't like anyone. Its great being a dauntless leader because I get to see my dad most of the time- now he is okay with me being in dauntless- and sometimes I see my mom. I miss them sometimes so much it hurts but I have a new life and they have theirs. I've heard Caleb is one of the smartest people in his compound, I always thought he was just being selfless when he was trying to reassure people how long things would take to heal but no, he was being a brain box.

I stop my train of thoughts when Christiana rushes through the door, I sit up upon my bed and stare at her. She is smiling brightly and out of breath, my apartments is on the other side of the compound to Chris', which something can be annoying but most of the time it is great; I don't have her running in and out of my apartment!

"Tris I have to tell you something urgent, well two things actually..." she speaks, still panting

"Well hello Chris, thanks for knocking, how are you doing on this fine morning? I'm very well thanks, how nice of you to ask! How are you?" I smirk looking at her

"I'm good, a little tired and shell shocked. Wait, back to the important news I have to tell you! Tris..."

"Yes Chris, take you time I have all the time in the world!" I cross my arms, she puts her finger up and takes a few deep breaths and comes and sits beside me on the bed

"Tris I'm pregnant..."

"What? Wow! Congrats Chris! Who's the father?"

"Thanks and oh yeah, Will!"

"Have you told him?"

She shakes her head "What if he gets annoyed or doesn't want the baby?"

"Chris, he will love the baby no matter what, he loves you!"

She smiles brightly and hugs me "You're a really great friend, you know that? Any guy who gets you, will be lucky to have you!"

"Yeah yeah, okay you said there were two urgent things?"

"Oh yes! Uriah and Zeke, his older brother are having a party, its just going to be us, Will, Al, Lynn, Lauren, Peter, Shauna and Four. Remember our instructor two years ago?"

I laugh and nod "They handsome one that scared the shit out of you?"

She smacks me on the arm and glares at me "He came right up to my face and shouted at me, he was really intimidating!"

"Yeah... but sorry I don't know if I can make it, i have a late meeting with all the leaders, I'll try and make it..."

"Tris you better come, I've brought your outfit and all!"

"How the hell do you have time to go shopping?"

"Bitch please, do you know me at all?"

I laugh and sigh "How about you leave the outfit on my bed and if I get home in time I'll walk over and stay for a few hours?"

"Deal but you have to promise to wear the outfit!"

I nod and stand up "I promise, now go I have to get ready for work!" I push her out the door and she goes skipping off down the hall way.

They never got together- Tris and TobiasWhere stories live. Discover now