Chapter 4 ~ Deciding

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I start to cry, I sink to the floor and put my fave in my hands. Chris comes running in and looks at the test

"Tris, don't worry everything's going to be okay!"

"I can't tell him, I won't tell him!"

"You don't have to Tris, its your decision."

I nod and smile, I wipe my tears and Chris chooses my outfit and puts makeup on me. I sigh, I'm glad its a Saturday, no work.

"Let's go and get breakfast!"

I nod and smile, we link arms and skip down the hall to the lunch hall. Chris and I see all our friends and Fours is there, I sigh and I look at Chris. She understands and we go to a empty table. Soon everyone come and walk and sit by us. Four sits on the other side of me and puts his arm around me

"Where were you this morning?"

"I woke up early, to get rid of my hangover!"

"You didn't drink that much?"

"I drank enough not to remember anything that happened!"

"Well that was one of the best nighs of my life!"

"Four, we were drunk, it meant nothing, I hardly know you and your were my instructor..."

"I don't care about that!"

"Well I do! Look I don't want to ruin your breakfast but I'm just not good for you, I know Lauren has something for you, you guys look perfect for each other." he takes his hand from around my back and looks down

"You are good for me, great for me!"

I felt tears coming so I just stood up and walked away.

****Time lapse****

9 months later

Four and Lauren officially got together. I think I would of been more sad, but I honestly didn't know him. Chris has been with me throughout the pregnancy and I've been with her throughout hers. Her baby came a month early and it is a little baby boy called Ethan. I am waiting for my little baby to come. It is late. I can't wait until I get to go back to work. I have been off work for ages. I stopped going to work when my stomach was too big. I don't think I've seen any of my friends in ages. Only Will and Chris know about me being pregnant.

I'm with Chris in my apartment. She keeps telling me I can't stress, I can't do too much work! I sigh and stand up. I keep telling her I'm fine and I can do things. I stand up and walk to the kitchen, I look on the floor and see a puddle of water.

My waters broke...

"Chris, I think the baby's coming!" I scream, she comes rushing in and takes me to the hospital.

"Push, you can do it Tris!"

I just sigh and push, I feel a bead of sweat falling down my forehead. I hear a quiet cry, I look and see a tiny baby!

"Congratulation Miss Prior, you have a baby girl!"

I smile and hold out my arms to hold her

"Well done Tris, what are you going to call her?"

"Rachel!" I smile and look down at her, she has my blonde hair, Fours deep ocean blue eyes and a mix of both of our faces. Perfection!

"Can I hold her!" I nod and pass her to Chris

"She's so light and small, she's so cute!"

"She's amazing!"

After a few hours I am allowed to go, I walk back to my apartment and lay Rachel in her cot. Chris and I already got all the baby stuff, but we didn't know if it was a boy or a girl. We got all types of colours and painted her room yellow. Chris leaves us both to rest and says she will come and get me for dinner. I fall asleep straight away because I haven't been sleeping well.

I hear a knock at the door and sigh. I quick put on a fresh top and some skinny jeans. I walk over to the door expecting Christiana

"Four? What are you doing here?"

"I came to get you for dinner, Chris looked tired so i offered to go." I nod

"Ermm okay..." Just then Rachel wakes up and starts to cry, how do I explain this?

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