xxx. promised me [end]

83 5 11

october 14, 2017


Soora: jimin

Soora: jimin, what...

Soora: why?

Soora: where are you?

Soora: when did you leave?

Soora: how can you leave like that?

Soora: you said we were going to talk...

Soora: yet you wrote me a letter, saying that we shouldn't be?

Soora: why are you doing this to me, jimin?


Soora: why are you making me go through this?

Soora: do you not remember?

Soora: i guess you don't remember the promise you gave me five years ago

Soora: if you remembered, you wouldn't have written that letter

Soora: you wouldn't have said such things

Soora: you wouldn't just leave me without saying goodbye

seen; 9:15am

Soora: i bet you don't even know which promise i'm talking about

Soora is typing...

Jimin: I remember

Jimin: I remember it clearly, Soora

Jimin: The bracelet I gave you that day... you still wear it

Soora: ...

Jimin: Stop wearing it

Soora: What?

Jimin: I said stop wearing it

Jimin: I promised I would be by your side forever, didn't I? I told you that and gave you the bracelet as a sign of keeping my promise, but I won't keep it, so take it off

Soora: are you serious right now?


Jimin: Yes

Soora: did you even...

Soora: did you ever really love me, jimin..?

Jimin is typing...

Soora: was i ever something important to you?

Jimin: No

Soora: then why the letter?

Soora: why did you freaking leave that letter on my desk!?

Soora: promises are meant to be kept, jimin

Jimin: No, Soora

Jimin: Promises are meant to be broken


Soora: i can't believe you

Soora: i trusted you

Soora: i love you

Soora: i thought you'd keep your promise

Soora: i thought...

Soora: i thought we could be together, but it doesn't look like you want us to

Soora: you confuse me, jimin

Soora: you said you loved me, didn't you?

Soora: you kissed me, didn't you?

Soora: you fucking promised me to forever be by my side, didn't you!?


Soora: you're going against your own words?

Soora: just like that?

Soora: you're leaving just like that?

Soora: i'm disappointed.

Soora: but well, if that's what you want, i won't bother you anymore

Soora: i won't care anymore

Soora: if that's what you want...

Soora: i will stop talking to you


Soora: and there i was, thinking our relationship was important to you, but i guess i was the only one who thought that

Soora: goodbye, jimin

Jimin is typing...

Soora, last seen; 9:19am


Jimin: I'm sorry, Soora. I love you, but I'm afraid I will hurt you more. I can't be there for you forever because I'm busy. I can't protect you. It's for the best, you'll find someone you'll love and I'm sure he'll be a better boyfriend than I would've ever been. It hurts me to see you like this. It hurts me to know that you might hate me now, but that's what I was going for. Will I regret it in the future? I think so... I will probably forever regret being like this... I'm even writing this although I tried to act cold, so that you'd hate me, but I just can't do that because I can't stand to see you hurting. That's how much I love you, Soora. Still, don't ever forgive me, I don't deserve you
; message deleted

Jimin: Goodbye

Jimin, last seen; 9:27am

- The End -

a/n: finished this in 16 days, yaaaas. oh and, don't kill me lol, dramatic end... thanks for reading ❤️
please tell me if you liked it or not ;-;

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