7 {Seven}

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*Lisa's POV*

We got back to Chris' place and began kissing. Kissing on my neck, Chris began undressing me. I pulled off his t-shirt exposing his body. His beautiful beautiful body.

I began unbuckling his belt to take off his pants. Chris was softly kissing all over my body. I was ready for him already. "Chris, You sure you want to do this?" I asked as the moans escaped my lips.

I didn't want him to regret this afterwards. He stopped and said "the only way I could be with her after She was with someone else is if I was with someone else too. I don't want to do this But I have to."

I sighed and said "Chris stop. Think about it a bit. This isn't fixing anything." The only reason I'm trying to convince him to not do this is because after we have sex, I would just fall deeper for him.

"Lisa, please. I can't think of anything else." I couldn't take seeing him sad. "Chris, can I be honest with you?" he replied "Yea Sure. What's up?"

"Chris, I have feelings for you and if we do this, things wouldn't be the same." I confessed. he replied saying "we can't do this then. I'll find somebody else."

"No Chris. If you're doing it, it's with me. You might get something from someone else. I just want to make sure you want to."

*Chris' POV*

I don't want to take advantage of Lisa like that but she wouldn't let me with anybody else and I had to do this. It's not to get even. I want to be with Asia but I need to be comfortable with her.

"I'm very sure Lisa." I reassured her. Climbing in my lap Lisa said "Let's do this then."

We began kissing and she pushed me on the bed. She pulled off my pants and took my dick out my boxers quickly like she just wanted to get it over with. She took everything she had left on off and and climbed onto of me.

She took my dick and slid inside of her and began doing her thing. I didn't want to do or say anything. She looked upset but like she was enjoying it at the same thing. "Lisa.." I said attempting to talk but she cut me off saying "Shut up Chris".

"Get on top" She instructed and I followed instructions. I tried kissing her but she pushed me off. I looked in her eyes and It was like I could see the pain in them.

I stopped and asked "Lisa you okay?" She closed her eyes for a few seconds and responded "Yes Chris. Just finish."

~1 hour Later~

After we finished, Lisa seemed distant. I could tell she didn't enjoy it. I didn't enjoy it. She ignored my attempts to talk to her. I felt responsible for this. If I could take it back, I would. I had no consideration for anybody else but Asia and it finally affected someone I really care about.

"Lisa please talk to me." I pleaded. She turned to me and there tears flowed from her. "What Chris?" She asked. "Why you crying?" I asked feeling extremely bad.

"Because you used me Chris." Great. I'm an asshole. "Why'd you agree? You didn't have to!" I yelled at her.

She yelled back saying "Because I care about you Chris! I wanted you to be happy. But you don't care about my feelings. You just care about Asia. Everything is about Asia. All about Asia. Even if it means hurting your best friend who happens to be secretly in love with you."

I am an asshole. A huge one. As if I didn't feel bad before, she says she's in love with me. "I guess it's not a secret anymore."

Lisa broken now because of me. How could she ever trust another guy after this? "You know what Chris? Fuck you. Enjoy your life with Asia." I tried to stop her to apologize but she ran off before I could. I would feel bad about this for the rest of my life. I ruined someone's life today so I could be with Asia.

*Asia's POV*

I don't know why Chris was being so awkward. I gave up those other dudes for him so I had no one to talk to. No one except Lisa. I DIRECT messaged her on Twitter to talk about Chris.

@SweetiiPieAsiaa: Lisa, I need someone to talk to.

@LisLisJones: About what?

@SweetiiPieAsiaa: Chris.

@LisLisJones: What the fuck did he do now?

@SweetiiPieAsiaa: No he was just acting weird this morning.

@LisLisJones: Oh. Ask him what's up.

@SweetiiPieAsiaa: You seen him since you moved to LA?

@LisLisJones: No. Busy with school. G2G.

@SweetiiPieAsiaa: Ummm okay? Bye.

How come the both of them are acting weird? Lisa has fewer words and Chris seems to be hiding his feelings. Was it something in the LA water? I'm so confused right now as to what was going on.

*Lisa's POV*

I had been crying since I left Chris' place. I knew what I got into and it was my choice because I want him happy but it still haunts me. I regret doing it but if I had a chance to do it all over, I would make the same choice.

Chris is the only guy I have ever loved. I've tried to move on and get boyfriends but I always end up pushing them away. I even had sex with one of them thinking that would change something but it never did.

If it wasn't for me trying that, Chris would have been the one to take my virginity today when he used me. Tears continued to flow down my face. I betrayed Asia and was used by Chris. Although I met Asia through Chris, She was still a good friend. I felt like a couple slut.

I don't even know if Chris feels bad about what he did. Chris went from my best friend to someone who used me in a flash. The only friend I have left is Asia and it's only because she doesn't know and I have to distance myself from her so she doesn't find out. So I have no friends. I have nobody. I can't talk to anyone. I'm alone.


I don't know where I'm going with this. I'm about to improvise but I'm finishing soon because it's a short story. Comment your thoughts? Vote? Thanks for reading.

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