8 {Eight}

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*Chris' POV*

I couldn't sleep at all. Guilt was consuming me for what I did. Using Lisa like a fucking slut. Her saying she was in love with me only made it worse.

That night I couldn't sleep at all. It was all killing me. Her words kept playing over and over in my head. " You just care about Asia. Everything is about Asia. All about Asia. Even if it means hurting your best friend who happens to be secretly in love with you."

I called Lisa to apologize. I had a feeling she would be up, thinking about what happened. Hurting Lisa was never my intentions. When she answered, I heard the sniffles telling me that she was crying.

"Lisa, I'm sorry. Please forgive me." I said. "Chris, I don't think I can right now." she replied. "Why not Lisa?" I said. "Because you always hurt people for Asia. I watch you hurt people to the point it came back and hurt me. I'm not going through this anymore."

"I will fix everything LisLis." I said. "Chris, I'm tired of your shit. I'll forgive you one day but today is not the day."

The next morning....

I got no kind of sleep last night. The guilt was too much. Tired and lazy, I pulled myself out of.my bed because I had a flight to catch. I was going home to Asia to surprise her.

I had not told her anything. We haven't spoken in days. She didn't even know about my record deal. We've been distant lately. I wished we weren't but I didn't do anything about it. It was too much.

Lisa was on my mind mostly. This guilt is seriously going to fuck me up. I just needed her forgiveness.

2 hours later.....

*Asia's POV*

I woke up from my nap because my phone was ringing. When I checked it was Mijo calling. "Asia. You busy today?" he asked.

"No Mijo. I was taking a afternoon nap. What's up?" I responded. "I need you to come over. We got something to plan. Everybody's gonna be there."

"Plan what?" I curiously asked. "We want to think of ways to get Chris to come back. " he revealed. "Well hell yea I'll be there".

I went and took a shower excited to plan for Chris to come back. I got dressed and ready to leave the quickest I could.

I got in my car and drove to Mijo's. This is where we would hang out a lot when Chris was here. I haven't been here since he left.

I went to the door and knocked and Mijo took his time as usual. When he finally came, he let me.in and it was just me and him.

"Mijo where's everybody?" I asked. "Nobody else is coming." he responded. This got real weird real quick.

*Chris' POV*

I sat in the kitchen and waited for Mijo's signal for me to come out. He was talking with Asia catching up.

I could hear how awkward it was from here. I just wanted to get out there and break it. "What's up Mijo? I had to be here to answer these questions? You couldn't have asked on twitter?"

"Uhh Uhh..." Mijo was stumped. He wasn't much of a quick thinker. I walked out and said "You see with Twitter, you're just avoiding human contact."

Her eyes opened wide and her mouth dropped. Its like she had seen a ghost. "Asia baby you ok?" I said snapping at her. She then ran up to me and gave me a long ass hug and kiss.

"I fucking missed your yellow ass!" She exclaimed laughing. "Lord knows I missed you too" I responded.

"Wait how come you came?" She asked. "That night we had that argument, I called to tell you that I got the record deal. They want me to start recording in September."

"Oh baby that's great!" She said kissing me. "You kissing the hell outta me." I pointed out.

"I ain't kissed you in five months. I gotta catch up." "You right. You right." I said laughing.

An hour later....

Asia and I spent almost the entire hour making out. Dang I missed her but the thought of her with somebody else still bothers me.

"Asia, in the last five months You ever cheated on me?" I asked. "why'd you ask?" She asked in reply.

"Just curious. I'm not going to be mad." I pointed out. "Baby if I'm being honest, I came close but I would never cheat on you."

"Y-You didnt?" I said now getting nervous. " yea You seem tense."  she pointed out. "You butt dialed me and I heard you breaking it off with him."

She stopped and thought for a second and then replied "Oh I had a friend who was in love with me and I told him We couldn't be friends anymore."

I felt like an asshole. Asia never cheated on me which means I cheated on her. I cheated on her...


A/N: Should he tell her? Should he say it was with Lisa? Comment your thoughts.

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