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I went straight up to my room. I locked my door but Taehyung was fast enough to stop me. He got into the room and locked the door.

"Can I help you sir?" I said annoyed.

"Well I mind as well get to know your house since we're gonna be..ya know." He was signaling us being married soon. I rolled my eyes.

I walked off and let him through my door. I plopped onto my bed face flat. I felt Taehyung plopping on the bed beside me.

"Please leave me alone." I said muffled. My face was in my pillow.

"I'm gonna be your husband so-"

I looked up from the pillow and gave him the "I don't give any fucks" look.

"I said leave." More stern this time.

He looked a little taken back. He got up and left my room, closing my door behind him.

Wedding day

I still could not believe I had to marry that asshole.
I got into my dress and it looked like this:

 I got into my dress and it looked like this:

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I walked out into the ile. Everyone watching and clapping.

Taehyung POV

I looked and saw Jennie coming. She looked beautiful, but then I already have a girlfriend. I have to tell her sooner or later or she's gonna be heart broken. I'll warn her, but she looked beautiful.

Jennie POV

I walked and held Taehyungs hand. The priest said the words and we said our I do's. Now, The kiss. I think I was sweating, but Taehyung leaned in and kissed me and everyone clapped. He leaned back and smirked.

Bitch. I wanted to chuck this ring down his dreadful throat.


The party soon ended and we both left to our apartment.

"Just to warn you, don't fall for me too hard alright?"

I look at him and scoff. "Me? Fall for what?"

"For me. I already have a girlfriend." I stopped in my tracks. Taehyung continued walking.

Girlfriend? Why do I feel so...disappointed? I should've saw this coming. After all, he is Kim Taehyung.

But he's also My husband.

"You comin'?" I snapped out of my thoughts and catched yo with him.


I went into the bathroom and changed out of the wedding dress. I took a shower and got into my pajamas. I wore a big white t-shirt with shorts under in case tae peeks when I'm asleep, or try's anything stupid to me. I then blow dry my hair.

I heard knocking at the door so turn to look. "Hey hurry up!"

"One sec."

"I cant waittttt." He said whining through the door. I turn off the blow drier and swing open the door. I glare at him.

He looks me up and down. I scrunch my face up.
"What? What's the matter?"

He coughs and looks away. "N-nothing." I roll my eyes. He walks past me into the bathroom.

I crawl into the beautiful grand bed. I slip into the covers already wanting to sleep.

10 minutes passed and Taehyung comes out of the shower. I look and see that he's only in a towel. My eyes meet his eyes and he smirks.

"Look, I know I have a great body, but no need to stare. There's always later." He winks at me and I throw a pillow at him.

"You are so gross." I turn my back and bury myself in the blankets.

Taehyung got changed and slipped into the covers with me. We were sleeping so far from each other. Another bolt of disappointment.

I feel Taehyung twist and turn. He stops and moves closer to me. I turn my body to see what he's doing.

By the time I do, his arms are around me already. "T-Taehyung what are you-"

"Shh. Let's just stay like his for a moment."

And so we did. We stayed like that for awhile. I could hear his small breathes of air. His body was warm and I felt comfortable.

'Don't fall for me, I already have a girlfriend.'


It was 12 in the morning. I was eating my cereal and scrolling through Instagram.

The door bell rang and I got up to go get it, but Taehyung raced passed me. I shrugged and sat back down to finish my cereal.

I heard squealing. "Taehyung! Oh I missed you so much!"

A girls voice? I got up to go look and saw that Taehyung was hugging a girl who was shorter then me.

I coughed. They stopped hugging and looked at me. "Sorry to ruin your reunion, but who's she?" I pointed to the girl while looking at Taehyung.

"This is my girlfriend. Arum." I make eye contact with Arum and she gives me a disgusted look.

"You were forced to marry her?" She scoffed. She held onto Taehyung arm. I rolled my eyes and crossed my hands.

Taehyung led her to the living room. As much as I hate to admit it, I didn't like the way she was clinging to Taehyung like that.

I walk pass the living room to go back into the dining room, when I see Taehyung and Arum already kissing.

Taehyung pulled away and said to Arum, "I love you." She smiled and said "I love you too."

I quickly went into the dining room and sat down in front of my cereal. There was a aching in my chest.

'Why do I feel this pain..?'


Hello everyone! If you don't know see the other chapters, do not fret, I'm currently editing and making the chapters better to read.

The story plot and everything is still the same, just some few editing, so please wait!!

Thank you for your patience and time! xoxo ~authornim

Forced marriage II Taehyung X Jennie ✔️Where stories live. Discover now