(4-13-17) Tagged ;)

8 1 0

Shwoah. I haven't been tagged in a long time :'|


Aight les get it B)

1.) Do you have a crush?
Yerp. Meh boyfriend ;)

2.) Middle Name?
Danielle :) if I were a boy, my name would be Daniel, after my father. But I'm a girl so they just turned Daniel into a girl name; Danielle.

3.) Height
5'3" ;-; but I'm surprisingly considered tall since almost everyone in my school is short B)

4.) Shoe Size?
7 1/2 most of the time. It depends.

5.) Eye color?
Chocolate brown. I discovered recently that my left eye is actually slightly lighter than my right. It's just that since my eyes are brown, it's not noticeable :p

6.) Last time you cried?
*sighs* Two days ago (4-11-17)

7.) Biggest fear?
Being left alone. Especially in the dark. I actually have a few fears. The dark, needles and bridges.

8.) Last song you listened to?
Despacito by Luis Fonci (ft. Daddy Yankee)😉

9.) Last person you texted?
Meh boyfriend

10.) Favorite app?
Wattpad or...Snapchat
Tagging timeeee😎

@ other imaginary people

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2017 ⏰

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