25 - ignoring pain

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*been procrastinating to write the actual storyline and wrote the last chapter (yoU GUYS IT IS SO SOFT EXPECT IT) what a professional gal*

oh also, i broke my promise, this is still a little sad bUT MAYBE NEXT CHAPTER.

when jungkook woke up, his head was aching. the events of yesterday made him want to puke but he slowly opened his eyes, and glancing at taehyung's peaceful face made him calm down. he was torn between gently waking up the older or listening to literally any anime, opting for the second choice as he quietly slipped out of bed. he put some cereals in a bowl, pouring the milk after and sat on the couch. he wanted to call yoongi, tell him about yesterday, but the older would have undoubtedly been asleep. nonetheless, he pulled his phone out from the pocket in his pyjama pants, quickly typing out a text to his friend so he wouldn't wake him up and put on haikyuu. about five minutes later, yoongi was calling him up. he furrowed his brows before answering. "...hey?"

"kiddo, are you okay? how was yesterday?" yoongi asked worriedly. jungkook frowned again. "how did you know about yesterday?"

"well, you know, it's a best friend thing, a sort of sixth sense."

"so, taehyung told jimin and jimin told you, right?"

"yeah, pretty much." he admitted and jungkook chuckled silently before they were both silent again. "but really, how was it?" he asked again and the younger exhaled loudly.

"awful, honestly. good thing is, he didn't personally attacked taehyung and i don't think tae'll be mentally scarred for life either he just... said some stuff."

"like what?"

"he said... he wished he had a son." jungkook said and he could almost hear yoongi getting up to go beat his father's ass. "to be fair, i did say i wish i had a father, so..."

"that doesn't make it fair! a father doesn't ever has the right to say that to his child! oh my god, i'm adopting you. you don't have a choice, i'm legal, i can do whatever i want and i'm adopting you. oh, you'll be jimin and i's son, that's a great idea."

"yoongs..." jungkook started, half wanting to laugh, half wanting to cry.

"yeah, i'm sorry. your father... he just frustrates me so fucking much. you haven't talked to him since yesterday, i guess?"

"no. and i don't want to. i'm not just angry about what he said to me, he just... as soon as something isn't what he wanted in the first place, it's obviously bad an—" he stopped himself, thinking he heard the floor crack. "s-sorry, i thought taehyung was up."

"how did he react to all of this?"

jungkook smiled slightly. "perfectly. i don't know... he just... he's been really understanding. but we haven't talked about it yet. i think he wants to know but he also wants me to take my time until i feel comfortable so..."

he could hear yoongi's approbation through the phone. "he's a good kid." he finally declared and jungkook laughed. "will there be a day where you stop treating us like we're your kids?"

"what do you mean? you guys are my kids. and i wasn't kidding, i'm adopting you, i'll call you son from now on."

"no, that's definitely not happening." the younger replied, chuckling. yoongi smiled. "alright. look, i have to go, i think jimin tried to cook and burnt down the kitchen, so i'll call you back later."

"yeah, sounds good, tell him i said hi."

"will do. take care of yourself." and as soon as he hung up, jungkook was lonely again. he stood up from his couch, listening an anime not even cheering him up at the moment. he brewed himself some coffee and sat on the counter. his eyelids were still heavy but the coffee in his system woke him up. his eyes landed on the time on the microwave, only now noticing how early it was; barely 7 in the morning.

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