24 - prestigious nightmare

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jungkook wasn't so keen with the idea of his father meeting taehyung. wasn't now, never had been, never will be. that little moment of anger he had had last time when he merely presented his boyfriend to his father had been impulsive and stupid and now he regretted it so fucking much.

the boy was in the shower, his eyes closed as the water dripped down his naked body. honestly, he was half hoping he'd drown somehow. he didn't want to get out but he knew precisely that taehyung was waiting outside, and he needed to reassure him. taehyung didn't deserve this stress. jungkook sighed deeply, turning the water off and got out, shivering as the cold air hit him. he wrapped a towel around his waist and got out of the bathroom, getting his bedroom. taehyung was sat on the bed and he looked utterly terrified. jungkook sat next to him, not caring about the water slowly starting to wet the bed. "hey. we don't have to go if you don't want to, you know?" he said, although he knew taehyung would never back up from meeting his father.

"yeah. but it'll be okay. i'm sure he's not that bad. he can't be." taehyung said and he sounded so unconvinced, jungkook felt terrible.

"yes, it'll go well. do you want to pick some clothes for us? we have to leave in about an hour." he said but taehyung kept an empty stare glued on the floor. "i feel like i'm going to puke." jungkook softly passed his hand up and down his back.

"okay, i'll go get clothes. wait for me here, think about something that... i don't know, calm you down." he said as he stood up to find some clothes. he came back a few minutes later two suit and tie for the both of them, one that he thought would suit taehyung very nicely. "here. you'll look gorgeous." he handed it to him and taehyung took it, giving him a weak smile in return.

when they were both ready, they got into the driver's car jungkook's father had called up for them and the entire ride there went casually, jungkook talking as much as he could to take taehyung's mind off how big of a deal tonight was. when they arrived, taehyung was much more relaxed than when they left the apartment. jungkook got out of the car quickly to open taehyung's door, gaining a fond chuckle. "well, thank you dear sir." he said, taking the hand jungkook was holding out for him.

the mansion was still impressive to him. it was exactly like those typical rich houses in movies, all grand and beautiful, where you could actually lose yourself during a hide and seek game. taehyung gulped. there were steps, a lot of them, to reach the door. there were two large columns on each side of the stairs and a fountain right at the bottom of them. although taehyung had already seen the mansion, it never failed to impress him. jungkook reassuringly squeezed his hand and they got in the house. a jack was waiting for them inside and he indicated them where to go, as if jungkook would've forgotten his own house. the younger nodded politely, taking the direction of the dining room, dragging taehyung along with him. his father wasn't there, obviously, because it wasn't his father unless he made everyone wait a little.

jungkook sat at the end of the table, expecting his father to sit at the opposite end, and taehyung sat at his left. "you nervous love?" jungkook murmured and taehyung smiled at him. "not so much anymore." he had the time to answer before jungkook's father made his appearance.

silence fell upon them and jungkook had to hold taehyung back from nervously standing up to bow or something. "hi dad." jungkook said weakly and his father smiled, almost satisfied with the look of fear he inspired on his son's face.

"hello, jungkook. how have you been, son? it's been a few weeks, hasn't it?"

"it has. are we making peace?"

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