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"Oh, Kong... They're gorgeous! Every single one of them is your best work." Arthit said while clutching tightly to his husband's arm. Kongpob tried his hardest to make Arthit as inconspicuous as possible so he could accompany his husband to the gallery and see the new artwork first hand, hung and lighted, on display for a new public of enthusiasts. They walked close together, appearing to be like a normal couple to anyone who saw them.

"You just say that because you're in every single one of them," Kongpob said while smirked toward his husband

"True, True. I do lend a certain.... How to you call that... sophistication to your art. I won't lie" Arthit bobbed his head from side to side as he said.

Kongpob laughed. He walked Arthit from painting to painting, stopping long enough to examine every intricate detail of the individual pieces. " How many are there?" Arthit asked with wonder

"Herm... Right now, about one hundred and fifty"

Arthit snapped his head to look up into his husband's smug face, jaw dropped in disbelief "One-hundred and fifty? That's almost five months we get to spend together"

"Try two and a half years," Kongpob corrected

"Two and a half..." Arthit repeated slowly "But...but how?"

Kongpob grabbed Arthit's hand and escorted him through a set of double doors to a large room whose walls we painted white to better display the art. The huge room held easily eighteen wall sized murals, each with a multitude of different panels depicting them vacationing in Macau, sitting in a gondola on the water or just 'living' – washing dishes, walking a dog, shopping at the supermarket...and quite a few of them making love.

Arthit was quiet – for a long time more like stunned and staring at the next few years of his life as Kongpob planned them and for a moment, Kongpob started to anxious to think that this might not what Arthit really wanted.

"P'?" Kongpob felt an uneasy weight settle in his chest. He didn't want to lose Arthit. Not again. "P'? For the love of God, P'! Talk to me..."

"I love them, Kong" Arthit sniffled, turning and throwing himself into Kongpob's arm "I love it... our life together. It's beautiful"

"You really like it?" Kongpob asked for confirmation, a little overwhelmed by Arthit in a gallery surrounded by image of their future.

"I do," Arthit answered. Kongpob wasn't done holding him but Arthit recovered quickly and pulled away, leading Kongpob farther in the room to examine those paintings as well. "For now, we have to start planning farther ahead," Arthit insisted "I mean, where are the painting of me designing or build something? I fully intend on working.."

"What?" Kongpob looked stunned "How do you..."

"We'll talk about that later" Arthit said, dismissing Kongpob's objective with the wave of his hand. "And why are painting me with a dog? I want a cat, Kongpob. And I expect you to make me age gracefully...no premature balding or pot belly. I mean, you've seen my dad."

Kongpob rolled his eyes, but he listened carefully, setting all of Arthit's notes to memory. "Of course, my 'sun'" Kongpob said, placing a kiss to the top of Arthit's head, over the scarf, wishing it was Arthit's beautiful dark brown hair tickling his nose with its sweet scent of strawberry "But, what would you like to do now? The show doesn't open till tomorrow. We have the whole day."

Arthit looked around at the paintings on the walls and his lips curled into a devilish grin. He walked toward the wall to a painting in muted, neutral shades of the two of them in bed, Kongpob hovering over Arthit's body, looking down at him with lust dark brown eyes, occasional highlights of black and red suggesting exactly what moment of desire the painting portrayed

"This one.." Arthit's voice turned dark and silky, a wash of subtle seduction that made Kongpob burn to take his husband right there, right then. "I want this one."

"You just want to fuck" Kongpob teased him taking his arm

Arthit's eyes twinkled as he pulled Kongpob to the door

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with that" Arthit exclaimed, biting his lower lip, giving Kongpob the perfect inspiration for his next painting.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with that" Arthit exclaimed, biting his lower lip, giving Kongpob the perfect inspiration for his next painting

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A/N : Final chapter will be  going within next 10 hours. OK.... Lets been honest here? Is there any of my reader are actually teenager under 18 years old? Because my final chapter, might not be suitable them. 

Please comment below if you under 18. BE HONEST!!!

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